
How an API management solution can help your enterprise?

That is a crucial question to deal with for companies seeking to manage their entire API “ecosystem” even more efficiently. In the video below, Whitney Lee with IBM Cloud explains in-depth how having an API Management solution can help enterprises better manage the whole lifecycle of their APIs as well as more securely and easily […]

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What are the competitive advantages of OpenShift?

OpenShift is a platform that allows you to run containerized applications and workloads, and it is powered by Kubernetes under the covers. There are many flavors available with OpenShift, and each helps streamline the day-to-day tasks for developers and operations engineers. To learn more, check out the quick overview with Sai Vennam in the video […]

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What is a Cloud Shell?

What is cloud shell, and how can a cloud shell enable rapid cloud resource management and development from anywhere? In this lightboard video, Nathan Hekman with IBM Cloud, explains how cloud shell can provide you complete control of your cloud resources, applications and infrastructure directly from any web-browser. Three things IBM Cloud Shell can do […]

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Collaborating to eliminate the last obstacles for renewable energy

Most of us are well aware of the urgent need to transfer to renewable energy. Instead of debating whether wind and solar power are adequately efficient, discussions these days focus on the difficulty of matching power supply to consumption. In other words, today we cannot control or plan intermittent renewable electricity production, so it fits […]

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A colleague of mine recently – and half-jokingly – asked: Are cloud platforms the new ransomware?

I’ve worked with IT since the mid-80s, always promoting change and progress toward new solutions and technologies. The advantage of so many years in the industry, as well as an occasional source of frustration, is the ability to see patterns in the adoption of new tech. One positive pattern is organizations’ desire to put their […]

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Understand Apache Kafka and its advantages

Users of modern-day cloud applications expect a real-time experience but how is this achieved? Apache Kafka is the open-source streaming technology behind some of the most popular real-time, event-driven user experiences on the web, including AirBnB, Netflix, and Pinterest. In the lightboard video below, Whitney Lee from IBM Cloud explains how the technology enables developers […]

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The difference between VMs and Containers?

What are VMs and Containers exactly, and how do they fit into our modern cloud-native way of building and architecting applications? In the video below, Nigel Brown from IBM Cloud, answers this question and much more in four parts. He also argues why users should not just look at virtual machines and containers as competing […]

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Executive Webinar: The Future of Computing

As stated in my recent blog, I will continue to aim for arranging insightful and hopefully inspiring webinars. Now, I have the pleasure to announce that next week’s webinar will include a special executive guest; our VP of Technology Europe and IBM Fellow, Rashik Parmar. On Wednesday the 16th of September at 11:00 CET, Rashik […]

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Save money and accelerate AI

Do you want to save money and accelerate AI at the same time in your organization? It may sound too good to be true, but it is exactly what you can do with IBM Cloud Pak for Data. From data storage and movement reduction to analytics tool consolidation and infrastructure optimization with Red Hat OpenShift, […]

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