Client Stories

NAVTICON: Making better decisions with the data at hand

NAVTICON, alongside IBM and IBM Business Partner Danicon ApS, developed an AI-based email scanning solution that delivers greater visibility into the vital business intelligence hidden in unstructured notices regarding cargo and vessel position. And with this information, users can more efficiently fill and route vessels across the globe. Business challenge As shipping companies struggled to […]

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IBM IoT | Client Stories | Inwido: Building Smart Homes in Europe

Learn how IBM partnered with Europe’s largest window manufacturer to make homes in Europe smarter and safer with IBM IoT. Inwido is Europe’s largest supplier of windows and a leading door supplier. The company has operations in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Ireland, Poland, the UK and Austria and also exports to a […]

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Royal Arctic Line gains a more holistic picture of business operations

Royal Arctic Line A/S (RAL) has an exclusive concession for the transportation of all sea cargo to and from Greenland and between the Greenlandic towns and settlements. This gives RAL the unique position of being Greenland’s lifeline, ensuring supplies to the entire country. It also puts a strong request on RAL to be operational at […]

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