
Slik flyttet Equinor 15.000 tonn med dokumenter opp i skyen

Equinor har fått et helt nytt arkivsystem ved hjelp av løsninger fra IBM. -Dette er et solid bidrag til vår sky først-strategi, og et viktig element i digitaliseringen av Equinor. Med dette prosjektet har vi fått en moderne, stabil og sikker arkivløsning. Dette sikrer tilgjengelighet, på en moderne infrastruktur, sier produkteier Jone Solberg. Med drøye 22.000 […]

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The right technology with the wrong culture is not enough – both should be addressed for successful application modernization programs

Technology is only part of the work of modernizing applications. Culture and attitudes also need to be considered, as well as business models that legacy applications were built around.

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Ansible: Automate repetitive system administration tasks

How can you replace your repetitive, mundane IT tasks and become more productive and efficient? Ansible is the key! In the following lightboard video, Sai Vennam from IBM Cloud, visually explains how Ansible, an open source IT automation tool originally developed by Red Hat, can help you automate repetitive system administration tasks by walking through […]

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What’s the difference between an API and SDK

What is an API and what is an SDK? How are they related and enable users to streamline their cloud application development workflows? In the lightboard video below, Nathan Hekman with IBM Cloud, answers these questions, and much more. Furthermore, he is providing a real-life scenario which explains the difference and similarities. Ultimately, he also […]

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Automate and digitize with IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

IBM Cloud Pak for Automation lets you quickly scale up or down to meet fluctuating customer demand, rapidly create new products and services to gain competitive advantage, and increase the productivity of remote and onsite workers. It is a complete and flexible set of integrated automation software that can be deployed wherever you need it, on […]

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RPA and Intelligent Automation: Why establish an Automation Center of Excellence?

Through my various roles at IBM, I have had the pleasure of meeting a wide variety of Nordic clients on a regular basis. Common for all of them = On a quest to add value in an ever changing digital era. Value is determined by assessing current performance, together with the future potential. That means executives are on a […]

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