Chatbots: The Modern Artificial Intelligence Helper

It can be difficult to keep up with everything that is being published on hyped, futuristic technologies. Nevertheless, the internet sheds light on buzzwords like blockchain, cloud and artificial intelligence, machine learning and cognitive computing, as I touched upon in my previous blog. But it’s not all about the future – a majority of the […]

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Cognitive Procurement: Seizing the AI opportunity

What we mean by Cognitive Procurement Procurement functions have evolved through many iterations. In the past, procurement operated as decentralized siloed groups working with “tribal knowledge” and ad hoc spend data focused on unit cost improvement. Recently, procurement has matured into technology-enabled global teams that drive strategic supplier relationships and focus on total cost of […]

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Quantum Gaming is here – Learnings from the Quantum Game Jam

In February 2019 in Helsinki, we held The Quantum Wheel – Quantum Game Jam. We had 50+ participants around the world and 10 teams finished their games in less than 48 hours. This event really underlined that we are at the very beginning of what promises to be a new era combining games, the gaming […]

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Self-Learning Data Catalogs – Savior of Data Lakes or Populist Promise?

Self-Learning Data Catalogs – Savior of Data Lakes or Populist Promise? In an increasingly complicated world you would like to see easy solutions for difficult problems. Is a Data Catalog the solution or an inflated promise when companies meet Big Data challenges? Introduction The development of artificial intelligence (AI) requires high-quality and versatile data. Not […]

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Your digital superpowers are needed – to help your fellow human beings after disaster strikes

You wake up cold and stiff. Your bed is nothing more than a blanket spread across the ground, and the cold morning air chills you to the bone. Your body is stiff and your head is spinning. Your throat is parched and your stomach churns from hunger. Where am I? What do I do now? […]

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YouthSpeak Forum 2019

YouthSpeak Forum 2019 is a one-day event in Denmark for 150 young social innovators, as well as stakeholders from business, education, and politics. They are all gathered for a dialogue on the challenges and solutions for sustainable development that young people and the Danish society as a whole can drive. The forum aims to create […]

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Open Source is driving innovation

IBM’s dedication to open source Unknown to many, IBM has a long and proud history around open source software and continues to take open source seriously. In the past 5 years alone, IBM have invested close to $1 billion and dedicated hundreds of open source development-, marketing- and evangelism resources. To ensure every IBMer working […]

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Unleash the power of Artificial Intelligence

Imagine the possibilities for your business when you can unleash the full power of Artificial Intelligence. IBM Watson OpenScale is the open platform to operate and automate AI across its lifecycle. With Watson OpenScale, eliminate barriers to enterprise-scale AI, increase business confidence in outcomes, and operationalize your AI, on any cloud. See how it works […]

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LIVE DEBATE – IBM Project Debater

Intelligence Squared Debates At Intelligence Squared U.S., they have debated AI before – the risks, the rewards, and whether it can change the world – but for the first time, they have debated with AI. In partnership with IBM, Intelligence Squared U.S. has hosted a unique debate between a world-class champion debater and an AI […]

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