Transform your call-center to a customer-engagement center

Transform your call-center to a customer-engagement center Covid-19 has created a surge of customers calling their insurance companies, travel agencies, on-line retailers, unemployment services, and other public citizen services, etc.  In Denmark,  insurance companies have reported that they in 2 months in 2020 have received as many calls as they did for the whole of […]

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With AI and Project Debater, IBMers InnovationJammed about new strategies after Covid-19

On May 12 -14 IBM employees ‘InnovationJammed’ about, where and how the company can and should innovate and transform itself after the crisis and to address customer’s new, disrupted situation and IBM’s own changed reality. Don’t know what an ‘IBM InnovationJam is?’ Under the title ‘Think Forward 2020’, we,  employees of IBM worldwide, were invited […]

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The Rise of the Risk Manager in Business

The unpleasant surprise and disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic have put a finger on a soft spot of most companies’ risk management and possibly also lack of resiliency and agility when an unwanted, unexpected critical event occurs. Risk managers, if any exist in the organization, tend to live their careers in the back-office, mainly for […]

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How a virtual assistant can help you

Do you ever think about how you approach navigating a website that you haven’t used before?  Do you tend to start by navigating through the menus? Do you instantly go for the search field? Maybe you try the chatbot or virtual assistant if there is one. Naturally, it depends on your purpose for using the […]

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CIMON SAYS… flies, feels, sees, hears, sings in space

You may remember that I wrote about the CIMON, Watson AI-powered assistant that could help the astronauts in the International Space Station (ISS), to perform experiments and to socialize a little, too. Now that was CIMON-1.  CIMON-1 has retired and like any other astronaut, CIMON-1 will now spend his retirement, performing at events and in […]

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Quantum, AI, Blockchain, Cloud – IBM is changing the game

Quantum, AI, Blockchain, Cloud. These are just some of the technologies that we at IBM have built our strong foundation with for over 100 years, serving our European clients and communities. We are using our industry-leading solutions to tackle some of the most pressing challenges of society today. We dare to think of big ideas […]

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Enhancing the festival experience with Big Data and AI

At Skanderborg Music Festival – or “Smukfest” as it is called, IBM has worked on improving the festival experience with smart technologies. Thus, the implementation of Big Data analysis and AI (artificial intelligence) throughout the festival has secured predictions, insights, and answers to benefit both the festival guests and the Smukfest organizers/crew. In the video […]

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Introducing the webinar series: How Nordic companies are using IBM solutions

As consequences of the coronavirus have caused the majority of us to work from home, dependence upon virtual platforms have increased rapidly. One of the ways in which we at IBM will continue to support online communication is by the use of webinars. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I can introduce to you […]

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Debater went to the movie – and now into business

Artificial intelligence has been on a seemingly unstoppable march. Human champions have been bested at checkers, chess, go, poker, and Jeopardy. But all those are games – with rules and clear scores. So, what happens when AI ventures out into the real world of human discourse and acts more like us? Where you don’t know […]

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