
Brand New Watson Marketing 5 in 5 Webinar Series

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Author: Jeremy Waite – IBM Marketing Evangelist

 I am very excited to announce that the new webinar series from Watson Marketing “Five Questions That Will Force Marketers To Think Differently Within Five Years” will start on
30th March.

For this series, we are going to build upon the foundation of strategies by attacking the questions that marketers are really worried about. It’s very easy to get excited about marketing in 2017, now that we have so many opportunities across different channels and so much technology at our finger tips, but there has also never been more difficult time to engage our customers and reach new ones.

Big data is getting bigger, attention spans are getting shorter and customer journeys are getting longer – and in many cases, the way that we have been approaching marketing over the last few years simply doesn’t work anymore. Many marketers feel overwhelmed and executives are struggling to understand and prepare for the strategic challenges that their businesses will face over the next five years.

5 in 5 series image

Our new webinar is inspired by IBM’s history of predicting trends and planning for the future with the most recent example which really impressed me being IBM’s “5 in 5”. It’s a fascinating series of insights around the 5 technologies and innovations most likely to change the world over the next five years, we decided to take a similar approach to our new webinar series.

During the “Priority Pyramid” series we discussed how every marketing strategy needs to be built upon a solid foundation of customer analytics, data and insights. Those insights focused on the five most important areas of customer data – “Who, what, why, where and when?”, so our new series kicks off where our previous one started. These “5 W’s” are the five areas that we will be focusing on and to make sure you get the maximum benefit out of it, we are introducing a slightly different format to make sure that we answer ALL your questions.

The Five Questions That Will Force Marketers To Think Differently Within Five Years – March 30th, 2017

ONE – Who Is Your Audience? – April 27th, 2017
We will look deeper into why the next five years of marketing personalisation, audience segmentation and customer acquisition will not look like the last 5 years.

TWO – What Do Your Customers (Really) Want? – May 31st, 2017
Exploring the world of dark data, we will share insights, tips and tricks to discovering hidden opportunities and the quickest way to uncover and respond to quickly changing customer behaviours.

THREE – Why Don’t Consumers Love Brands Anymore? – June 29th, 2017
Loyalty has always been at the core of any customer relationship, but as we approach 2020 we will look at why many areas of customer loyalty are overrated and no longer relevant. Looking at some real examples with live data, we will discuss what marketers need to do in order to prepare for this new reality.

FOUR – Where Have All Your Customers Gone? – July 27th, 2017
Social media in 2022 will look dramatically different to 2017. Apps will act differently. Consumers will be speaking to devices and no longer using screens. Understanding where customers will be choosing to spend their time will be critical to success, so we will be looking at AI, VR, machine leaning and how predictive intelligence can help you prepare for the future.

FIVE – When Are You Going To Get your Customers Back? – August 31st, 2017
The customer retention strategies of the future will not look like the retention strategies of the past. Getting new customers has always been hard, but getting them back and keeping them is a marketer’s biggest challenge. For the final 5-in-5 webinar, we will showcase some of the emerging technologies that are available to help marketers solve these problems, and a few that are not available (yet).

It promises to be an excited series full of new insights, innovations you’ve not heard of and case studies that will help you and your organisation prepare for the next five years. We look forward to see you there.

Find out more about Watson Marketing here.

Watson Marketing Evangelist

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