
Bluemix helps new parents sleep

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Bluemix, IBM’s digital cloud development platform, is an “open-source” platform on which you compose solutions instead of programming them – a platform where all of IBM Watson’s cognitive solutions are available, and with a minimum investment it is possible to build solutions overnight, utilizing leading technologies and services.

Last year in November we had the pleasure to ask Herman Sjøberg from CapGemini, who attended one of our Bluemix workshop, a few questions.

Herman Sjøberg was amazed about what he had managed to build on the platform – solving a much sought after application that would secure him a full night’s sleep despite having a newborn baby in the house.

What was your first impression of Bluemix after attending the workshop?

After attending the Bluemix workshop, I was amused by how fast I could develop an app. Ten minutes into the Deep Dive session, with thorough guidance from the experienced IBM instructors, I had already setup my own interactive To-Do-list and was eager to do more. Internet of Things, DevOps and Watson in Bluemix were the main themes. We used Node-RED to gather sensor data from my own phone, send twitter feeds based on this, and produce websites with graphs displaying the data. IBM Watson analyzed and extracted information from the same data, as well as analyzing pictures from twitter. We used DevOps to store, change and deploy an application, in which AlchemyAPI analyzed and found key words in free text. It only took two effective hours to do all of this (!)

You have also used Bluemix to build an app to use in your personal life?

Yes. I became a father in March. The key to getting the most sleep at night is to be by your child with a bottle immediately, before he is fully awake. Too long = Awake longer. My child has started squirming before the crying begins. The latter is receivable through a baby alarm, but that is too late. As a newly “educated” Bluemix enthusiast I ran to my workstation, grabbed an old cell phone, registered it as an IoT-device and configured it to send messages at certain boundary values.

How has this helped you?

This night I have been on the spot a few seconds after the squirming begins. My night sleep is saved. IBM Bluemix has increased my quality of life, based on a whim in the evening after a 3-hour course. Imagine the potential this has for Norwegian businesses. I am thrilled to partake on this journey.

Click here to get a 30 days free trial or attend one of our webinars.

Are you interested in Bluemix, please get in contact with our Bluemix expert Alexander Evan-Jones at or at +44-0-2392289660.

Nordic Sales Executive, Bluemix, IBM Cloud

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