Nordic Director IBM Systems

IBM TechU 2020 – The virtual edition

This year IBM TechU will be a digital event held 26-29th of October 2020. Thus, the event is accessible for everyone with an interest in developing their technical expertise within IBM Systems products and solutions trough in-depth insights and training sessions. At the event, you can experience lectures provided by industry experts around the most […]

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Sign up for IBM’s upcoming TechU events

In 2020, IBM will continue to offer IBM Systems Technical University events all around the globe. Here are three handpicked TechU events that take place in Europe and the US. As always, the TechU events will include highly skilled teams, empowered with technology and best practices. Furthermore, organizations will be supported to attain higher profitability […]

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Event: Let’s put your data to Life!

Join us at IBM LIFE 2019 – where you’ll put your data to life. On this day we focus on the big challenges that exist and ways we can handle them. There is a growing ambition that computers will help diagnosing and proposing prescriptive advice to meet challenges concerning our health, life and society. Modern […]

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Elinar and IBM PowerAI

Early AI adopters Artificial solutions will soon change the landscape of many industries, augmenting humans’ ability to create, extract insights from data, and make decisions. But the potential applications for AI technology have hardly been explored, offering companies that are brave enough to lead the way an alluring opportunity. Long-time innovator Elinar saw an opportunity […]

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IBM Continues its Leadership in Software-Defined Storage

“We’re #1!” is the proud cry that every team and organization would like to make, and IBM can claim that proud distinction for software-defined storage. The evidence comes from market research vendor International Data Corporation (IDC), which has ranked IBM #1 in the worldwide software-defined storage (SDS) market for the third straight year. This is […]

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2017 IBM Systems Technical University

2017 marks the 23rd year of the IBM Systems Technical Universities. Each year, thousands of “techies” return to these global training events to grow their skills in IBM z Systems, IBM Power Systems and IBM Storage. The reasons for such impressive attendee loyalty all focus on the unbeatable technical content. You are invited to attend […]

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