Innovation in Mobile Cognitive Computing: The Next Frontier

Hi Everyone, Mobile has already changed the world, and the next frontier is innovation in mobile cognitive computing. Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence will be the next game changer in computing. Personally, I love the idea, as the human capacity for digesting and processing information is limited. A machine that can understand, learn and […]

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Free webinar on Big Data on Bluemix on Wednesday December 2nd

On Wednesday 2nd December, our Bluemix Dutch team will organize a free webinar on Big Data on Bluemix. You are invited to attend. For free registration just click here and register. We hope to see you than. Best regards, Jean-Claude Chan 02 Dec, 2015 11:00 AMAmsterdam BIGDATA SERVICE OP BLUEMIX

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Top Internet of Things tutorials

Looking for valuable content to help you develop Internet of Things applications? I selected three popular tutorials on a variety of subjects. Here’s just a glimpse of what’s available from our IBM developerWorks Internet of Things zone. This selection has something for everyone: using your mobile phone as an IoT device, using Docker containers to […]

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