Digital Commercial Territory Leader, Public & Finance Sector

37 municipalities to be digitalized by IBM chatbot

It is with great pleasure,  I can announce that IBM has been awarded the opportunity to digitalize the Danish municipalities’ communication platform, Den Digitale Hotline (DDH), with a new chatbot as a self-service solution. IBM has initiated a collaboration with Aarhus Municipality, leading Den Digitale Hotline (DDH), which for now represents 37 municipalities and more […]

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IBM Watson eHealth Meetup in Copenhagen

It is our pleasure to invite you to an informal meetup in Soho, Kødbyen in Copenhagen about IBM Watson and IoT within the health sector. Meet a range of experts within the field and learn more about related issues, such as: How does IBM work with eHealth ecosystems partners to create innovative solutions for municipalities […]

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Artificial Intelligence meet-up with IBM and Watson

Join us for a casual meetup on artificial intelligence and Watson where we will be discussing the trends and future of AI – one of the most relevant technologies of the future. Meet IBM experts for discussions on: How firms can transform themselves to become cognitive  businesses Innovation with Watson – it’s easier than you […]

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Get superior cloud economics with IBM Power8 Linux servers -now available in IBM Cloud- Softlayer

Power8 servers now available in IBM Cloud Get superior cloud economics with IBM Power8 together with the flexibility and control of SoftLayer bare metal. Ideal for analytic services for temporary projects and seasonal demands, Data Center overflow / burst situations and Proof-of-Concepts. Pre-installed with Ubuntu 14.04 and ready to rent today at:[]=8

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Frokostseminar med IBM og Cleversafes Storage-eksperter i Holte/København

Massiv interesse for Object Storage i almindelighed og Cleversafe i særdeleshed gør, at IBM og IBM’s nyopkøbte Innovative Object Storage firma, “Cleversafe”, holder et frokostseminar om emnet den 17. marts fra kl.11.15 – 13:15 hos IBM i Holte/København. IBM’s Nordic Storage SDS Technology Advocate, Kim Gregers Petersen glæder sig til, at præsentere sidste nyt sammen […]

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Learn more about “Domain-Driven Data – Matching Databases to Data Problems” and about our ecosystem and offerings

Learn more about our ecosystem and offerings by attending a webinar on February 18, “Domain-Driven Data – Matching Databases to Data Problems.” We’ll walk through the development of a customer-facing mobile app., and show how both full-stack developers and data scientists can work together to easily move data across databases and development everyone works […]

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