Country Manager Iceland, IBM

How to make the right foundation for your Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Projects..

Everybody is talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) without really understanding that AI and Machine Learning (ML), like all other areas of new strategic decisions, demand the right foundation. So what are the considerations and where are the opportunities and pitfalls? Right now, we are almost at the same level of enthusiasm as with the birth […]

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Hybrid Cloud – The epicenter is in … Denmark…

Around 13 years ago some very entrepreneurial people around Aarhus in Denmark saw a completely new area of business. Giving their clients the opportunity of remote backup based on IBM backup technology, increasing bandwidth and lower cost on internet connections. This has made Denmark the absolute leading country when it comes to remote backup and […]

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Is your IT infrastructure holding you back

Managed service providers are facing an unprecedented challenge to keep up with the latest trends in what customers want from their IT infrastructure in the cloud. Meeting that challenge, and ensuring systems are capable of adapting to future cloud developments, is crucial. This handy e-book explains the big changes happening in business IT, the changes […]

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Cloud Solution for today and tomorrow

While meeting today’s cloud demands is important for systems integrators, ensuring a system is prepared for tomorrow’s tech challenges is just as crucial. Cloud service provider Key Information Systems has sped up its runtimes as much as 48 times by using IBM’s Power8 technology. Find out how they have managed to slash hours off their […]

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Tap into the widest range of expertise to create your new marketing strategy

Marketing is a journey not a destination. Collaboration is key to improving the results on your marketing efforts. Journey Designer enables marketing agencies to design end-to-end experiences, which incorporate the skills and knowledge of all your teams. Users can set goals and work with members of your organisation as well as external partners and clients. […]

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Get Watson Functionalities in Your Unity 3D Apps

Another great collaboration! IBM Watson Developer Cloud now has a SDK for Unity Technologies development platform for 2D & 3D games which makes it possible for you to implement Watson cognitive functionalities into your gaming platform and thereby create a completely new set of cognitive gaming universe Join us on this journey of opportunities…

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New global collaboration between VMware and IBM will make it easier than ever to create and deploy VMware-based Clouds seamlessly

Today, IBM and VMware announced a strategic partnership to accelerate enterprise hybrid cloud adoption. I am so excited about this new partnership, which is unique on the market, that I need to share it as a post since it can benefit both hosting providers and ISV’s to become a truely hybrid Cloud option to their […]

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Creating essential insights from agricultural data with Watson Analytics

Cognitive means how to you use existing information to create new knowledge. This is exactly what Mjölner informatics has done with Watson Analytics. Together with Seges – the danish farmers knowledge center – they used Watson Analytic as the tool in a workshop where they have explored the huge amount of data from the different […]

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Find din virksomheds fremtid i Data Analytics

Kampagneresultater, konverteringsrater, testmarkeder og feedback fra kunder. Det er alle vigtige variabler, som en virksomhed tager med i regnestykket, når de planlægger deres næste kampagne. Hvad nu hvis alt dette var tilgængeligt med et enkelt klik, og med et simpelt, grafisk interface? Det er det nu. På den måde kan din virksomhed træffe data-drevne beslutninger, […]

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