Business Developer

Analytics within the reach of everyone

There’s an increasing shortage of people with analytical expertise. And rather than paying a premium for human know-how, ISVs and SaaS providers are turning to automated solutions to analyse their data. The benefits of this shift are many: these programs can take on the laborious task of processing data, quickly make relevant insights on that […]

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Pepper Robot and the future of IoT

Ealier this year IBMs CEO Ginni Rometty said: “The future of IoT is Cognitive” and “Digital alone is not a destination, digital business is converging with a new kind of digital intelligence—what you will recognize as Watson”. Watch the Pepper Robot video: IBM puts Watson into SoftBank Pepper Robot In April this year IBM announced […]

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How to gain a competitive edge with real-time personalization

We live in a digital age where an ‘always on’ attitude means customers expect you to go further to meet their needs. Analysis from Econsultancy shows that a massive 94% of businesses say personalization is critical to their success as it promises to get the right communications, to the right person, through the right channel, […]

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Borders mean nothing to cyber-attackers

Cybercriminals and their activities reached every corner of the globe in 2015.   From phishing to malware and everything in between, small and large organisations alike were targeted by increasingly organised and sophisticated attacks.   This increases the pressure on service providers and systems integrators to ensure their security offerings keep pace with developments.   […]

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Interview with CEO of Salesbox CRM about cooperation with IBM

Andreas Lalangas, CEO of Salesbox CRM, talks about predictive and mobile CRM, Salesbox and Salesbox’s cooperation with IBM around IBM Softlayer. See the video here:

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Seminarie “Optimera dina kunders online-upplevelser”

Välkommen på seminarium med Theilgaard Mortensen den 16 mars 2016 på Chokladfabriken i Stockholm Vilket intryck får dina kunder när de besöker din nätbutik eller hemsida? Vill du få bättre förståelse och insikt om dina kunders beteende online? Vill du öka din försäljning, ge god kundservice och få nöjdare kunder? Varför är det relevant för […]

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We are pleased to invite you to: Flash & Taco Friday!

We are pleased to invite you to an IBM FlashSystem seminar, where we will take you behind the curtains of our market leading All-Flash product and share experience from local deployments in gaming, casino and banking industry. Speaker: Henrik Warfvinge, IBM Storage Architect Date: 29th January Time: 11:15 – 13:30 Location: Openlab, Valhallavägen 79, Stockholm […]

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Undvik fallgropar i den mobila åldern

Hur du förbättrar din mobila säkerhet. Med den fortsatta övergången till att arbeta från mobila enheter kan det vara en utmaning för tjänsteleverantörer att hålla sig uppdaterad gällande sårbarheterna som förs in företagsnätverk vilket är en utmaning som påverkar både dig och dina kunder. Surfplattor och smarta telefoner kan vara de svagaste punkterna i ett […]

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Data driven marknadsföring på ett ögonblick

Mindre tid på att analysera, mer tid till marknadsföring Få snabba visuella insikter som ger dig möjligheten att skapa fler möjligheter till framgång inom marknadsföring och utveckla starkare strategier till att driva fram fler nöjda kunder och fler affärer för din digitala marknadsföringsbyrå. Utforska data snabbt samt identifiera styrkor, svagheter, och dolda trender som inte […]

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