Social Selling Leader

Security: 360-degree insight for Service Providers

– If the challenge is security, the solution might be QRadar Given the explosion of data, organizations today are exposed to more risks than ever – both in volume and variety. IBM is here. The IBM QRadar® Security Intelligence Platform is an integrated family of products that can help detect threats that otherwise would be […]

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Mobility – the new edge for Service Providers

As mobile technology rapidly grows around the world, driving productivity, more and more organizations struggle to manage it effectively. That creates a real opportunity for MSPs. With the right mobile solution, you can build and deliver mobile apps efficiently and effectively. And you can leverage the cloud to scale as needed with the security you […]

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Softlayer webinars in March

We would like to invite you to this webinar focused on MSPs where we will see how to develop new oportunities based on cloud infrastructure. 19th March -> These Webinars will cover: – Intro to Softlayer – Softlayer differentiators – Customer cases – Portal demo – MSP Program benefits Technical Webinar the 12th of […]

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Reign from the cloud

In order to introduce you to the powerful capabilities of SoftLayer, here are two free webinars to showcase the advantages you can gain with, SoftLayer over other IaaS providers. Based upon glowing customer references and case studies we will touch on these vital questions… Link to webinars

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NEW PureData for Analytics mini-appliance is ideal for midmarket.

Midsize organizations always had ample interest in PureData for Analytics. They want the simplicity and speed it provides. Yet for many in the midmarket, the lower-end models were still not affordable. Not anymore. Introducing a PureData System for Analytics that’s ideal (really) for midmarket. The PureData for Analytics N3001-001 (mini appliance) changes the dynamics of […]

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IBM Business Continuity Index

IBM Business Continuity and Resiliency Services is committed to delivering better risk management strategies, and raising the profile of business continuity management among the businesses we work with. The IBM Business Continuity Index allows you to take the pulse of your organisation – identifying where improvements can be made, and outlining potential next steps for […]

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SoftLayer, Storage and Backup – Webcasts

Don’t miss the upcoming Webcast series! You can keep you up to date about the latest webcasts and News in joining the professional Network Groups LinkedIn ( or Xing ( (Google+ coming soon) 27th of November – Specialty Webcast – Aspera (English – with guest speaker from Aspera) English: ——————————— 4th of December – […]

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Bluemix app challenge!

NOW OPEN FOR SUBMISISONS: Global Bluemix App Challenge! IBM Bluemix is hosting the Global Bluemix App Challenge for developers of all ages and experience levels all over the world during the month of November. And to compete on this global stage and demonstrate their skills. More Information about the Bluemix App Challenge: Submission Date: November […]

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Free IBM Bluemix trial

– A platform where developers can act like kids in a sandbox – except this box is enterprise-grade If you’re a developer, you now have a hand in creating the future. Bluemix offers you all the instant services, runtimes, and infrastructure you need to push your ideas into the present Click here to sign up […]

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