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Real-time insights skabte vinderstrategi for amerikansk tech-virksomhed
Insights som øgede rentabiliteten Et skifte til en mere datadrevet strategi skabte værdifulde resultater for den cloud-baserede IT-virksomhed, Carbonite. Deres nye analytics-platform har forenet deres online- og offlineverden, ved at konvertere real-time insights til salgsmuligheder og har derudover afledt: Reducering af kundeafgang til en værdi af $4 millioner USD Genereret yderligere $1 million USD i […]
Softlayer webinars in September & October
The cloud isn’t a commodity. Virtual servers aren’t the same everywhere you go. Try the cloud that was built from the ground up to be the best-in-class cloud solution for your business today. In this Webinar IBM’s Robert Stevens demonstrates the benefits of the new Softlayer cloud offering. Agenda includes: What is IBM Softlayer? SoftLayer’s […]
Analyst report: Mobility, the new edge for Cloud Service Providers
Accelerate your revenue, increase your profit and expand your business with IBM SoftLayer Please click on the image to magnify! Read the Forrester report on the Total Economic Impact of SoftLayer for MSP’s Visit our Danish webpage Visit our Finnish webpage Visit our Swedish webpage
Webinar June 26th “IBM Bluemix overview and demo”
Join us for a 1 hour Bluemix Overview and Demo where we will explorer the capabilities of Bluemix and how it can work for you. During this hour we will spend the first 10-15 minutes explaining the platform and its benefits before diving into a live demo of getting your application deployed and running on […]
Does ubiquitous connectivity have to mean less security?
As the Internet continues to connect more people, places and things, a new range of security threats emerges. What does that mean for you and your clients? It means you need to be aware of the risks that are out there, stay informed and understand the latest technology available to protect your clients. See how […]
More mobility for clients – more revenue for developers
As more and more demand is placed on IT departments to build and support mobile apps and be accessible to users at all times, organizations are turning to MSPs to expand their resources. While this presents MSPs with quite an opportunity, how do you best take advantage? Register for your 30 day free trial and […]
The future of your Cloud business – IBM Spectrum Storage
IBM Spectrum Storage™ boosts your Cloud business by unlocking the potential of data and increases agility and efficiency in ways that weren’t possible until now. Even with a limited budget, IBM Spectrum Storage can help you accelerate the growth of your Cloud business, cut costs and add significant new capabilities to your Cloud storage environments. […]
How to better develop apps
The rapid expansion of mobile technology is a trend being seen all over the world. Yet many organizations simply don’t have the resources to take advantage of it. Which is why they’re turning to MSPs. At IBM, we can help you capitalize on the opportunity and build a new line of revenue by integrating IBM […]
Increase revenue, offer innovative services and be an industry leader
Increase revenue, offer innovative services and be an industry leader The demand for Managed and Cloud Services has peaked, creating increasing pressure for businesses to provide forward-thinking and innovative solutions that make them stand out from the competition and sustain profitability. Read this executive summary to discover how Cloud Storage Infrastructure can help you to […]