Digital Development Representative

See how Medicat increased agility and lowered costs

Your storage and performance can be managed with a breath-taking degree of ease, thanks to IBM VersaStack. We have a belief that IT should be as effortless as possible. Information systems specialist Medicat has transformed its storage capabilities through VersaStack. They now have exponential advantages, which we’ve detailed in our blog entry on this powerful […]

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The best answer in satiating big data applications

Your organisation can now tackle the demand for big data, thanks to VersaStack. It’s easy to deploy and control, thanks to a unified management interface. Our quick video introduces you to the best way of accelerating growth while reducing costs. Click here to watch the 90-second video on VersaStack  

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Discover how you’ll benefit from VersaStack

Embrace all the positives of IBM’s innovations in storage technology without the typical headaches of an upgrade. We can help you deploy and manage IT with an unprecedented degree of ease. The impressive levels of performance and efficiency from VersaStack can lift your business to new heights, cutting through complex workloads and satisfying the most […]

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The architecture to take storage capacity and performance much further

You’re facing greater demands on performance and capacity yet dealing with tight budgets. Thankfully you can slice through complex workloads with the all-Flash grid storage breakthrough from IBM. Discover how you can eliminate bottlenecks and have the ability to scale and manage your architecture. The IBM FlashSystem A9000 hands you more speed, power and control. […]

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Embrace the flash solution to accelerate your storage performance

Take the next stage in becoming a truly dynamic MSP. With IBM’s innovative FlashSystem range, you not only get fast storage, it becomes simplified to manage. You can take on more data-intensive workloads and become a key part in cloud-scale business through IBM FlashSystem. Watch our introduction to the IBM FlashSystem A9000 models

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Move forward and cut costs with integration

A study of chief financial officers found that 70% of IT budgets are spent on maintaining existing operations just to stand still, rather than innovating and driving new insights to go forward. For managed service providers an integrated infrastructure can change all that by adding value and drastically reducing costs and time inefficiencies.   This […]

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A little flash goes a long way

Lead the way with flash storage Incorporating flash storage into an infrastructure can improve performance and streamline resource utilization hugely, but as yet its use hasn’t become widespread. This opens up an opportunity for managed service providers to move to the cutting edge of the market in offering these state-of-the-art advances to their customers.   […]

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Spend less, make more and move faster

Our video shows how a leading service provider slashed report processing time from six hours to just four minutes. This MSP attained a hundred-fold increase in analytics performance without any code change: ff any questions – you will be able to chat with me – click here.

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Go for the storage upgrade that gives you more business

Take on new challenges with our complete cost-efficient solution. IBM Flash System gives service providers many advantages. Optimise performance. Take on unexpected workloads of any rate. Convenient control. Unified management tools make it simple to oversee environments. Interoperability. Not just for IBM storage infrastructures. ESG have showcased the advantages IBM Flash Storage can bring for […]

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