Cloud Data Services Representative

3 Reasons To Think Offline First

The increasing reliance on apps, mobile devices and an internet connection means that we want to be connected wherever and whenever we want. As much as this connectivity has become a minimum requirement for people, the technology to support this can often fall short. To build applications that are truly always available, you need to […]

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Keep your kids safer online

Dear Parents, Help make the Internet safer for your kids with Cloud Nanny’s Child Router. Cloud Nanny’s Child Router is an innovative application powered by IBM’s machine learning solutions and Cloud Data services, that automatically blocks and alerts parents when a potential unsuitable website has been requested. Click here to read the Client Success story […]

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Give your service providing the Spectrum edge

The IBM Spectrum suite of data storage software is already changing the way companies across the world do their technological business. In this blog, you’ll find out how a software company reduced data backup costs and improved backup times simultaneously, and how improved storage of medical and scientific data has saved a university millions. Click […]

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The infrastructure demands of the future

The data all around us, and the number of devices accessing that data, is growing at an incredible rate. The number of connected devices worldwide is set to grow from 10 billion to 75 billion by the end of the decade. This puts pressure on all organization, but managed service providers especially, to make sure […]

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Cloud management made easy

This data sheet shows how beneficial cloud-based applications can be for systems integrators running heavy-duty SAP databases. Scalability of workloads to suit demands, simplicity and competitiveness of pricing and the agility of on-demand provisioning are just some of the perks covered, all of which bring to the table opportunities for integrators to significantly improve their […]

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Perfect-fit analytics for your business

There’s an increasing shortage of people with analytical expertise. And rather than paying a premium for human know-how, ISVs and SaaS providers are turning to automated solutions to analyse their data. The benefits of this shift are many: these programs can take on the laborious task of processing data, quickly make relevant insights on that […]

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Keep your Cloud management simple

With more and more IT operations moving into the cloud, there is an increasing need for all those operations to be managed in a simple, efficient way. Traditionally this would mean procuring services from different vendors for different areas and monitoring them individually, but thankfully this time-heavy, resource-intensive method is a thing of the past. […]

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Thanks to a pioneering new agreement with IBM, service providers running VMware workloads in an on-premise environment can now transform their operations by provisioning new or existing workloads in the cloud using Softlayer. A key player in cloud computing, IBM has been ranked first among hybrid cloud providers in independent studies by Forrester and Synergy […]

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