Research & Innovation Executive, IBM Research - IBM Watson

Streamline contract management with Watson AI

The intensive nature of managing procurement contracts is so well-known that it’s almost invisible. Yet it’s still costly. Firms can lose as much as 40% of value in a given deal as a result of inefficient contracting. There’s a solution. Watson Compare & Comply helps businesses streamline contract management. Watch the video below to see […]

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IBM tech predictions for 2019

Drawing on IBM’s unmatched capabilities to meet clients’ most pressing needs, here are five of the most important tech predictions for 2019 that cut across AI, blockchain, regulation, quantum computing and hybrid cloud: Blockchain goes mainstream… quietly In 2019, consumers will begin to see blockchain applied to a variety of everyday uses, but they probably won’t […]

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Oxford Union: IBM Watson | Oxford Union

Pepper Robot The Watson-powered Pepper Robot can be equipped with core functionalities as well as a Watson software development kit (SDK) that allows developers and clients to tailor the interaction experience. IBM will give clients access to Watson APIs and various pre-packaged applications designed to address a variety of personal and professional needs. As an example […]

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How is Watson helping businesses across the globe to build a smarter future?

While you might have heard about IBM’s Watson – do you actually know what Watson is? Powered by the latest innovations in machine learning, Watson lets you learn more with less data. You can integrate AI into your most important business processes, informed by IBM’s rich industry expertise. You can build models from scratch, or […]

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Tools for trust in AI

AI is becoming a pervasive technology affecting an increasing share of humanity’s critical decisions.  Whether it is a doctor asking an AI for targeted treatments, an autopilot in a car or a teacher for potential learning strategies for her class. However there have also been flaws in the application of AI, luckily most of them […]

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Let’s Put Smart to Work

Let’s Put Smart to Work: By combining talent and technology, people are changing their businesses – and the world. Today, we live in a world filled with smart technology. But it’s only really smart when it’s put to work at scale, from agriculture and conservation to healthcare, security and global trade. Technology has to be […]

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Project Debater is the first AI system that can meaningfully assist humans in dealing with complex decision situations, where there is no right or wrong…  On June 18, IBM Research in Haifa hosted an event, where we demonstrated the capabilities of Project Debater in a contest  with Israeli debate champions Noa Ovadia and Dan Zafrir. […]

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Call for Code

INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY FOR GOOD The issue: Natural disaster preparedness and relief. How will you answer the call?   The Call for Code Global Initiative is the largest and most ambitious effort to bring startup, academic, and enterprise developers together and inspiring them to solve one of the most pressing societal issues of our time: […]

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Digital disappointment – why some customers aren’t fans

Last month IBM Institute for Business Value released our 4th report on ‘The Experience Revolution’ Through interviews with more than 600 mainly CMOs and CSOs in B2C companies globally and surveying almost 6.000 consumers, we have tried to establish, why adoption by consumers of new digital experiences, often disappoints the companies. They have engineered new […]

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