
Aurora DataCloud – Climate friendly storage for large volumes of data in an indefinite time

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Aurora DataCloud from Origo is a pioneering, cost-effective storage solution. It has minimal effect on the climate as it runs on renewable energy to reduce carbon footprint with up to 90% compared to traditional storage solutions. 

Back in February, I outlined some of the key elements on why Iceland is the coolest location for data centers. This time, I want to highlight the IBM Business Partner Origo’s storage solution Aurora DataCloud and explain the many opportunities it offers. You can see a sneak peek of the key benefits in the video below:

The storage solution is, especially, beneficial for organisations that need to store large amounts of data for many years. E.g. media companies or similar organisations who need to save large files in an indefinite time.

The success case story of Icelandic TV station Stöð 2

Iceland’s largest private TV station (Stöð 2) has adopted the solution to store media files in two-tier III data centers. By doing it, they are saving money on storing the data not used much, while saving 90% of the energy in comparison with HDD. The need for a new storage solution came as a result of e.g. the ever-increasing quantity of data, following 4K and 8K video resolution which put pressure on their existing on-premise storage infrastructure. Furthermore, the technology behind their existing storage was fragile, outdated and backup as well as disaster recovery did not live up to today’s standards.

After switching to Aurora DataCloudthe media company experienced tremendous results from storing 40-60% of less used media data less costly, at the same time making all data available when needed to edit or broadcast:

  • 1-month return on investment, no startup cost, volume-based cost
  • 40% offloaded to less expensive, energy-saving storage, cutting on-premise storage  needs
  • 50% cost savings in future storage infrastructure
  • Increased safety and mobility, easier upgrading and scaling, and better disaster recovery

Icelandic TV station adopts Aurora DataCloudAurora DataCloud was a perfect fit for storage at the Icelandic TV station Stöð 2

You can read much more about Stöð 2’s implementation of Origo’s Aurora DataCloud solution via this link.

Additional details on Aurora DataCloud: 

Besides being an attractive solution for media companies with their unique needs, the solution has already proven to be associated with great advantages and value for other types of users, including commercial airlines and museums. But the potential is much broader. Thus, the innovative combination of IBM servers, storage and tape systems to create a highly automated, versatile system that users can choose to interact with in several ways offers customers a low cost, reliable, secure and environmentally friendly solution,  for any type of organisations, to the problem of storing large quantities of data for long periods, while keeping the data easily accessible at any time for the users.

If you are curious to learn more about the solution and, for example, dig deeper into the technical capabilities and specifications, you can read a lot more about the solution here. Also, feel free to contact me directly at if you would like to discuss your specific needs and opportunities with Aurora.

Country Manager Iceland, IBM

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