
Ansible: Automate repetitive system administration tasks

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How can you replace your repetitive, mundane IT tasks and become more productive and efficient? Ansible is the key!

In the following lightboard video, Sai Vennam from IBM Cloud, visually explains how Ansible, an open source IT automation tool originally developed by Red Hat, can help you automate repetitive system administration tasks by walking through three key use cases.

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Learn more

If you are curious to dig deeper into Ansible and, for instance, see step-by-step how you can use it to automate app deployments, then please visit this comprehensive guide.

To learn how using IBM and Red Hat solutions together can deliver infrastructure savings, workforce acceleration, enhanced business outcomes and greater flexibility for your industry, check out this informative site. Via the site, you can also explore the key benefits, IBM and Red Hat transformation client stories and find a wide range of additional resources.

Lastly, I will also encourage you to consider to use Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud. The container platform has been named the leader for developers and operators in The Forrester Wave: Multicloud Container Development Platforms, Q3 2020.

Do you have any further questions or inquiries in regard to Ansible, Red Hat or the IBM Cloud platform, then please do not hesitate to contact me at

Advisory IT Architect

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