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Accelerate business agility, performance and innovation with IBM Integrated Managed Infrastructure

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Integrated Managed Infrastructure (IMI) Suite deploys a blend of Strategic Outsourcing (SO) hosted and open source tools for its operations, with an eye on cost control, timely delivery, quality, compliance and customer satisfaction for small and medium enterprises. While the typical customer range for IMI is the Small and Medium Business (SMB) segment, it can easily be deployed at the enterprise and institutional levels as well. The offering adheres to the IBM standard customer Infrastructure Management and Operations, Service Delivery, Reporting and Compliance requirements.

The IMI Offering:
* Packages a single source solution with a single point of contact for technical queries and ongoing support
* Deploys talent that is trained and coached to support specific technologies, including the cloud (complements and supplements the
customer IT team)
* Supports proactive monitoring and management using IBM’s time-tested processes and tools, to help improve quality and productivity and
* Reduce human intervention
* Adheres to the industry best practices and aligns with the ITIL framework.

IMI serves as a platform for Hybrid IT management through:
* Monitoring and management of the Hybrid Cloud and Traditional IT Infrastructures (hypervisor, server, storage, network)
* Management of the Cloud Software Stack (i.e. vCAC , Openstack, ICO, Softlayer Portal, AWS, Azure) and IBM Cloud offerings (PMC)
* Monitoring and management of applications/workloads (middleware, groupware, database , backup)
* Reporting of Hybrid IT infrastructure
* ITIL service management disciplines (Help Desk, Incident, Problem, Change, SLM, Security, Configuration, Asset)
* Design and Build Cloud SoftLayer Hosted environments

Do not hesitate to get in contact with me if you are having a question. Call me at +45-2880-6320 or email me at JORNG@dk.ibm.com.

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