Smarter integration of applications and data

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Effective integration of applications and data is essential to digital transformation, but traditional approaches to integration are slow to implement and hard to scale.

In that connection, IBM Cloud Pak for Integration is your gateway to connect the dots of your applications and data in a smarter way. The solution delivers a new, AI-accelerated approach to integration that enables extended teams to create integrations, leverages a complete set of integration styles and capabilities, and embeds AI and automation.

In the video below, my colleague Sai Vennam outlines a quick overview of the solution and explains why it is a game-changer in terms of making smarter integration through higher speed and increased quality. For instance, he points out how companies have increased their speed of integration development by 300%, reduced their costs of integration by over 33%, and increased their overall operational efficiency. All this while maintaining enhanced security, governance, and availability (Source: CVS Health client story, Forrester TEI Study). Please take a look to get to know IBM Cloud Pak for Data a little bit better:

DID YOU READ: How cloud and AI work together

The six keys to smarter integration

The capabilities are many, but for the sake of simplicity, let me quickly highlight six key elements that altogether make IBM Cloud Pak for Data meet your integration requirements:

API management

  • Rapidly secure and manage your entire API ecosystem across multiple clouds.

Application integration

  • Integrate applications and data no matter where they live.

Enterprise messaging

  • Receive the information you need when you need it — once and once only.

Event streaming

  • Build intelligent, responsive applications that react to events in real-time.

High-speed data transfer

  • Move data of any size or volume around the world at maximum speed.

End-to-end security

  • Create a persistent encrypted connection between environments.

Learn more

If you are curious to learn more about how you can conduct smarter integration, I encourage you to check out our comprehensive solution site via the following link: IBM Cloud Pak for Integration. Please also check out our guides to API Management and Application Integration for further insights within the area. Finally, you can get started using the IBM Cloud platform at no-cost and start experiencing the capabilities yourself by clicking the link.

Do you have any questions or would like to start a dialogue on how to get started with the solution or other services in the IBM Cloud platform? Then you are more than welcome to reach out to me at

Advisory IT Architect

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