
Introducing IBM Cloud Code Engine

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In this blog, I will introduce you to IBM Cloud Code Engine that is now available as a beta version.

IBM Cloud Code Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform that runs your containerized workloads. These workloads can include everything from web apps, microservices, event-driven functions, or batch jobs.

In the video below, Sai Vennam from our IBM Cloud team breaks down how this new serverless compute service removes the burden of building, deploying, and managing workloads in Kubernetes. Accordingly, he explains how users can then just focus on writing code and not on the infrastructure that is needed to host it.

So when is IBM Cloud Code Engine beneficial?

In the following, I will highlight a few examples of possible use cases where the solution is an optimal fit, which may inspire you to consider trying it out.

1) If you’re experienced with containers but have no skills or the budget for managing clusters: With Code Engine, you not need to worry about the skills that are required to manage a cluster or the time it takes to do so. Instead, Code Engine takes these complexities away and the IBM team manages your infrastructure as part of the IBM Cloud service.

2) If you need to run workloads with intermittent spikes (for instance a website): When a website experiences bursts of activity followed by periods of inactivity, Code Engine is a good solution. With Code Engine, your website application automatically scales up the application instances for the increase in traffic, and then back down again for the periods of inactivity (even down to zero). With a dedicated cluster, you must first size the Kubernetes cluster for the workload spikes and then pay for it, even when it’s not being fully leveraged.

3) If you want to test a small application to get proof-of-concept: When you have developed an application, but want to test it out before the application is presented to e.g. managers. However, the application is small, so they do not want to pay for a small, dedicated cluster. In this case, you can test the application and then provide a proof-of-concept of the design to management without the cost that a dedicated cluster might require.

… and the list could go on. Do you want to learn more? Then please check out our solution information site: Getting started with IBM Cloud Code Engine (Beta). On that page, you can also find even more information about the solution’s advantages, detailed how-to-guides and tutorials, FAQs, etc.

If you have specific questions or inquires regarding IBM Cloud Code Engine (Beta), please also feel free to contact me directly at

Advisory IT Architect

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