
Building the Cognitive Enterprise

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In a newly published report from IBM Institute for Business Value, Mark Foster (Senior Vice President, IBM Services and Global Business Services) dives deep into how to build a Cognitive Enterprise.

Today businesses are facing a new era of reinvention. They are experiencing unprecedented convergence of technological, social, and regulatory forces. As new buzzing technologies like AI, blockchain, automation, IoT, 5G and edge computing emerge even further, they will impact and reshape standard business architectures. In short, the “outside-in” digital transformation of the past decade is giving way to the “inside-out” potential of data exploited with these exponential technologies.

We call this next-generation business model the Cognitive Enterprise.

There are three key components outlined in the report that underpin these emerging new business models:

1. Market-making Business Platforms leverage data as the new currency to reinvent competitive positioning and create new market opportunities, often straddling organization and industry boundaries.

2. Intelligent Workflows infuse end-to-end and front-to-back processes with exponential technologies to deliver exceptional outcomes and differentiation.

3. Enterprise Experience and Humanity recognizes that any new business platform will only succeed if it embeds a compelling experience for customers, employees, and partners throughout, while maximizing the full potential of the ever-evolving, human-technology partnership.

Get a sneak peek of the framework in the video:

DID YOU READ: IBM Think Digital 2020

There are many great examples of organizations across all industries that are embracing the potential and embarking on the journey at scale. Many companies and governments, however, are still framing the opportunity and wondering how to start and how to escape from the “cognitive chaos” of multiple experiments and proofs-of-concept. The report, therefore, sets out to do two things. First, showcase the latest ideas and examples of the Cognitive Enterprise brought to life. Second and, more importantly, go deeper into the “how” of building such organizations to derive the utmost value.

You can read the full Deep Dive report or the Core Concept report by clicking at the links below:

Download the Deep Dive report

Download the Core Concepts report

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss how we at IBM can help you manage the transition to become a Cognitive Enterprise successfully, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Research & Innovation Executive, IBM Research - IBM Watson

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