
Recap of IBM Summer Camp – Journey to Cloud

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It was a great pleasure to be able to host our newly introduced IBM Cloud Summer Camp this July with more than 300 attendants from all over the world who chose to spend a couple of hours in the heat of the summer getting insights around how to progress their Journey to Cloud.

The event was arranged as a series of webinars about IBM Cloud involving several IBM speakers from the European Cloud Developer Advocate and EAG teams (Business Solution Center Nice-Paris). Sessions were held online at lunchtime and lasted approximately an hour each.

The content presented was technical and became more and more specialized as the sessions progressed.

The first IBM Summer Camp webinar aimed to educate a wide audience about the general concepts of Cloud and more precisely the IBM Cloud platform. We reviewed how to get started with the platform and the services; the several compute options available to deploy an application on IBM Cloud: from bare metal to serverless which implies different kind of levels of responsibilities. We explained the IBM Cloud’s high availability with the multi-zone region capabilities. We looked at the IBM services catalog and showed a demo about the Watson Assistant service and tooling – how easy it is to get started with an AI application using Watson services.

summer camp recap

The second session focused on the usage of containers on IBM Cloud; what are the benefits of working with containers: Increase portability and greater efficiency. What is Kubernetes and how to provide security management for IBM cloud container registry using the Vulnerability Advisor. The choice of worker nodes flavor available on IBM Cloud to create clusters: Bare metal, virtual shared and virtual dedicated. For this, we demonstrated the IBM Cloud Kubernetes service.

The third session was specifically about Red Hat OpenShift, the leading hybrid cloud, enterprise Kubernetes application platform. We outlined the concept of Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud and how we can actually deploy workloads everywhere with it. The diversity of tools available: e.g. a developer will use the S2I tool to create and deploy automatically on OpenShift. We explained the IPI & UPI installation modes that can be used by OpenShift. The key points to remember about Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud: Availability of 99,99%, the HIPAA & PCI compliance, the enterprise isolation including dedicated compute, bare metal, and private clusters, the automatic multi-zone deployments with failure and the highly available master nodes! Furthermore, we showed a demo on how to navigate on OpenShift.

At the end of each session, attendees could participate in a fun quiz in order to test their knowledge and finish off remembering the important technical key points of the session.

If you did not attend, you are still able to login in and see the replays of each of these sessions using the link below:

Replays of IBM Summer Camp – Journey to Cloud

During the autumn we are right now in the progress of planning webinars with a more technical angle and webinars with business-oriented perspectives. If you have any questions or suggestions for subjects to cover, you are more than welcome to give me feedback at

Country Manager Iceland, IBM

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