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Enlighten yourself in the sun with IBM Summer Camp: Journey to Cloud

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Are you also having difficulties sleeping during the Nordic Solstice period or do you have an extra couple of weeks before your real vacation is taking off? Then I can recommend you to attend the first Nordic IBM summer camp for developers, architects and administrators that will introduce the new aspects of how to set up and manage your container-environment and hybrid cloud efficiently.

This is a Nordic summer camp series of three independent webinars about the successful journey to cloud. We have gathered some of our best technical architects to show and tell you how to get started with your cloud journey utilizing Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift and multi-clouds easily and effectively, in order to create a solid, agile and secure environment.

The webinars will last 60 minutes and include a mix of practical information on how to use the cloud services, as well as live demos of the services to provide you with an understanding of the benefits of a public cloud and how to use containers and Kubernetes, ultimately building a true hybrid cloud solution.

And yes, it is summer – so we are also going to have fun with live quizzes and prices during the webinars. Find your best sunbed, put on your Hawaii shirt, place your laptop in the sun and get ready to learn and play!
Sign up for the summer camp webinars here!

summer camp journey to cloud

Agenda for the IBM Summer Camp: Journey to Cloud

  1. Get Started With IBM Cloud

    Date and time: June 29th at 13:00 CET
    SIGN UP! We will kick things off by introducing the public cloud, and showing a demo of the services that you can use to deliver solutions faster and more innovative, by applying AI and OpenSource services.
    Speakers: Lars Kjaer Ipsen
    Cloud Architect, Franck DescollongesCloud Developer Advocate, Clémence Lebrun Cloud Developer Advocate, Boris Khalkhal Cloud Developer Advocate

  2. Get Started With Containers in IBM Cloud

    Date and time: July 1st at 13:00 CET
    SIGN UP! Here, we will present the use of containers and Kubernetes, and show how easily you can begin to use Kubernetes to deliver your solutions.
    Speakers: Lars Kjaer Ipsen
    Cloud Architect & Franck DescollongesCloud Developer Advocate, Emmanuel GenardCloud Developer Advocate/Data Scientist, Clémence Lebrun Cloud Developer Advocate

  3. Get Started With Red Hat OpenShift & IBM Cloud

    Date and time: July 8th at 13:00 CET
    SIGN UP! We will give you an insight to OpenShift and show how you can get apply and started with it on the IBM Cloud. OpenShift is the most secure and enterprise-ready Kubernetes distribution from Red Hat, both for day 1 and day 2 operations.
    Speakers: Lars Kjaer IpsenCloud Architect, Philippe ThomasCloud Technical Architect, Clémence Lebrun Cloud Developer Advocate

DID YOU READ: Why is Iceland the best fit for sustainable IT?

I look forward to see you all for some fun and enlightening sessions! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Country Manager Iceland, IBM

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