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Destructive cyberattack: Are you prepared for a fast data recovery?

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Having data in multiple places can seem like a good thing when organizations consider their situation with hybrid and multicloud deployments. However, the reality is far different. Failures occur with great regularity, and without coordinated efforts to manage the extended infrastructure and its distributed data resources, the availability of critical applications can be put at increased risk, threatening business operations. To ensure business continuity, organizations have to consider how they can recover applications and data within a tolerable time from a range of failure scenarios.

Safeguard your business with IBM’s Cloud Security and Resiliency Services

IBM offers a comprehensive solution encompassing Threat Management and Cyber Incident Recovery that protects you from threats and allows for swift recovery when cyber incidents happen. The Cloud Security and Resiliency Services will help you by:

  • Providing capabilities supporting the entire threat management lifecycle
  • A Disaster Recovery orchestration automates security policy, threat detection, threat disposition, and incident response remediation
  • Centralizing and simplifying visibility, management and monitoring of security operations for hybrid workloads
  • Driving a cloud-agnostic security and recovery service providing a single pane of glass across on-premise and multicloud, including IBM Cloud, AWS, Azure, VMware SaaS.

DID YOU READ: Understand the cybersecurity threat landscape for organizations

Ensure a resilient data infrastructure to keep up with future hybrid markets

The future of stable infrastructure is tightly bound to the resilience of the key resources that drive it. While compute and connectivity are important, data has always been the lifeblood of any organization. To maintain an organization’s ability to succeed and move forward in markets, its data infrastructure has to offer truly resilient access. Hybrid and multicloud environments present new challenges, but not ones that are impossible. With thoughtful planning, organizations can address both the challenges that the complexity of the hybrid world presents and the means to extend traditional models to meet those needs.

To gain more insight on cybersecurity, read the 10 tenets for leaders in The Cybersecurity Guide for Leaders in Today’s Digital World from the 2019 World Economic Forum.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at agaceb@dk.ibm.com

Cyber Resiliency Specialist

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