
VMware vForum 2020 events in the Nordics – ALL postponed

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All the VMware Nordic events have been postponed due to Coronavirus precautions. At the IBM Digital Nordic blog, we will publish updates whenever new dates for the events are announced. 

Again this year, IBM is represented at the vForums in the Nordics, more specifically Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. At the events, you can get the latest insights on IBM Cloud for VMware. The solution makes cloud adoption fast and easy. Furthermore, it allows you to optimize the value of existing on-premises infrastructure, while confidently leveraging your existing tools, technologies, and skills in the cloud.

At the IBM booth, you can talk with our experts and learn more about your journey to cloud. You can also test yourself and find out if you’re ready to migrate your workloads to the cloud. Do you dare?

Don’t miss the opportunity to get a head-start with your journey to cloud by attending one of the events!

VMware vForum – Event details:


@ Radisson Blu Plaza

Register to the event here

VMware vForum in Stockholm, 21st April 2020 // UPDATE: POSTPONED DUE TO CORONA VIRUS 

@ Radisson Waterfront

Register to the event here and check out the event video

VMware vForum in Copenhagen, 28th April 2020 // UPDATE: POSTPONED DUE TO CORONA VIRUS 

@ Tivoli Congress Center

Register to the event here

IBM Nordic is looking forward to seeing you at the exciting events.

Do you already want to start exploring our offerings for VMware today? Please check out our Cloud catalog where you can order ‘as a service’.

If you have any further questions or would like to schedule an informal meeting with one of our experts at one of the VMware vForum events, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Cloud Sales Director, Nordic

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