
The median number of vulnerabilities in mobile apps tested

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According to Codedx, 2017 was no stranger to application security threats, with some of the biggest hacks, to date, taking place. In fact, during the third quarter of 2017 there were  more than 230 million web application attacks on websites in the U.S.

Despite these figures, a 2017 study on mobile and IoT application security found that only 30% of organizations allocate sufficient resources to protect mobile and IoT applications from security threats. Only 20-30% of mobile and IoT applications are being tested for vulnerabilities, with many waiting until production to perform vulnerability testing.

IBM Application Security on Cloud permits you to perform comprehensive application security testing in the Cloud and remediate vulnerabilities that are found.

Mobile applications continue to remain dangerously buggy. In this study of 574 breach investigations, a staggering 95 percent of all mobile apps recently tested for security weaknesses were vulnerable. About 35 percent had critical issues, while 45 percent had what were considered high-risk security issues.

Source: 2015 Trustwave Global Security Report

59%: The percentage of respondents whose organizations use penetration testing and dynamic scans

Enterprises tend to use penetration testing and dynamic scanning more often than any other methods for testing the security of their application code. Other methods include static vulnerability scans (54 percent), code reviews (42 percent), secure software development lifecycle processes (42 percent), and mobile application testing (36 percent), according to a survey of 185 business technology professionals.

Source: Application Security Trends, UBM Tech

Click here, for a complimentary trial of our application security testing solution- IBM Application Security on Cloud- on Marketplace.

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact me at:

Nordics Security - Business Development Lead

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