
IBM Cloud for Skytap Solutions (Part 2)

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Skytap Solutions in the Retail industry

The high paced retail industry is as other industries facing an increased demand for rapidly bringing new solutions to their customers. Retail companies who have been around for a while do not have the benefit of building only on modern cloud native architectures, but need to create speed to market while extending legacy applications. Doing so is not easy and an approach is needed to support these kinds of complex development projects which today are difficult to address with traditional system provisioning as it takes too much time or with container based approaches which struggle to meet this required functionality today. IBM has recently signed a contract with a large Nordic retailer improving their DevOps environment capability to support multi platform/multi application environments by using IBM Cloud for Skytap Solutions.

Developing the architecture

The solution provided by IBM, was to enable applications to be provisioned to the IBM Cloud, with minimal need for re-work and enable the ability to build test environments consisting of multiple applications to allow for complex integration testing between both old and modern architecture-based applications. Once provisioned in the cloud service the development and test environments can be provided on demand and within minutes and hours, instead of weeks and months. This sped up the development and test cycles for applications and complex systems, providing a platform for implementing agile processes and tools. A key value to this IBM customer was the support for combined x86 and Power based workloads and the ability to combine use of containers.

IBM Cloud for Skytap Solutions enable organisations with complex legacy applications, to start their journey to cloud immediately while realizing significant business benefits as they transform: X86, Linux, Windows, Power and AIX

The Benefits of IBM Cloud for Skytap Solutions? Speed and cost saving through higher utilization.

Click here, to read more about how you can  migrate traditional applications through IBM Cloud for Skytap Solutions.

For more information or any questions regarding IBM Cloud for Skytap Solutions, do not hesitate to contact me at

IT Architect - Nordics, IBM Cloud

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