
IBM Watson Developer Cloud Workshop for IBM Business Partners!

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IBM invites you to join our IBM Watson Developer Cloud Workshop on the 14th and 15th of March 2018 at IBM Client Center Holte. The IBM Watson Developer Cloud Getting Started Workshop is a 2 day hands-on event to help IBM Business Partners understand IBM’s Cognitive Computing point of view and how IBM Watson on IBM Cloud can augment existing applications by providing cognitive capabilities. Additionally, this workshop will discuss how Business Partners can grow their business with IBM Watson and the incentives and sales plays that IBM has to help

The workshop includes lectures, discussions on how Watson works, and hands-on exercises that Business Partners can use to better understand what Watson does, what it doesn’t do, and how it works so that Business Partners can accurately identify opportunities where Watson Developer Cloud will add value to potential solutions.

At the end of this workshop, students will have covered the following topics:

  • The differences between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Computing
  • IBM’s Point of View on Cognitive Computing
  • IBM’s Differentiation in the Artificial Intelligence Marketplace
  • IBM Watson Developer Cloud Services
  • IBM Watson Conversation Service
  • IBM Watson Personality Insights
  • IBM Watson Tone Analyzer
  • IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding
  • IBM Watson Discovery
  • IBM Watson Visual Recognition
  • IBM Watson Knowledge Studio
  • IBM Watson Speech to Text
  • How to make money selling IBM Cognitive Solutions

While no prior knowledge of Watson is required, experience with IBM Cloud/Bluemix is very helpful.
Students should sign up  here for an IBM Cloud Lite account, before attending this session, if they don’t already have one:


Day 1
– IBM’s Cognitive Point of View
– Sales Plays and Incentives for Business Partners
– Building a Chatbot with IBM’s Watson Conversation Service Lab
– Explore Watson Personality Insights and Watson Tone Analyzer
– Cognitive Examples Demos/Use Cases
– Watson Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Introduction
– Getting Started with NLU Lab Exercise

Day 2
– Watson Discovery Introduction
– Getting Started with Watson Discovery Lab Exercise
– Speech to Text Lab Exercise
– Visual Recognition Lab Exercise
– Training Watson with Knowledge Studio
– Getting Started with Watson Knowledge Studio Lab Exercise

WHEN? 14th and 15th of March 2018 at 08:30–16.00

SIGN UP? Click Here.

WHERE? IBM Holte – Client Center, Kongevejen 495B, 2840 Holte

For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

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