
Can Ads be Decided by the Weather?

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Did you know that digital sales is one of the fastest growing industries in Denmark? Despite being a small country, Denmark has a highly-competitive service-based economy that is digital – and booming.

I’m a digital business developer for IBM.  Every day I get to think-up with clients new digital business opportunities.

I’m currently working on a solution with a partner called Densou. They are the leading real-time advertising bidding agency in Europe. Their goal is to automate the market using the latest IT technology.

Densou is using IBM Bluemix to provide a solution to Ekstra Bladet, Denmark’s largest commercial newsbrand, to offer weather-based ads.

IBM Bluemix is basically a playground for developers, it gives them building bricks to create the next generation of apps.

More than 1 million Danes visit Ekstra Bladet’s site every day. With weather-based ads, content is much more tailored for each of the viewers. This also means that clients get more value from their advertising investments – and that’s not a bad thing.

For a long time, the largest FMCG brands in Denmark have been asking for a game-changing advertising solution.
Now, we are able to respond to that demand by allowing them to capture the micro-moments of the consumers.

Let me share a concrete example. All the places in Denmark where the sun is shining the advert will automatically go live for their summer-related brands. In places that are not sunny, we cut back the ads automatically. So we are synchronizing ads based on the weather!

I can also see it being of value in the music streaming industry, which in 2014 accounted for 2.6 DKK billion in revenue. Imagine the connection between music and weather: You are on the road, it’s a sunny day and with one click you listen to a song that is hand picked for that exact moment based on your location, activity, weather — tailored just for you. Danish music remains a billion dollar industry. Find out more here: .

Be it a sunny day or a rainy evening, the weather has an impact on our everyday. The partnership we have with Densou and many other digital companies is just in its infancy. What we can do with technology in this market is only limited by our imagination.

Senior Business Development Manager, IBM Watson & Cloud Services

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