IT infrastructure

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imageMarketing is a journey not a destination.

Collaboration is key to improving the results on your marketing efforts. Journey Designer enables marketing agencies to design end-to-end experiences, which incorporate the skills and knowledge of all your teams.

Users can set goals and work with members of your organisation as well as external partners and clients. To see how simple and quick it is to produce an optimal customer experience, watch our video.

Country Manager Iceland, IBM

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Building your SIEM foundation

According to a recent survey, 60% of companies use 25 or more unique security products, with 44% engaging more than 10 vendors. And 24% percent of respondents surveyed cited the inability to investigate or prioritize security alerts in a timely manner as a challenge due to the global cybersecurity skills shortage. There is a better […]

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Digitization: A climate sinner or savior?

In this blog, I will discuss how to look at the ICT sector and digitization in relation to CO2-emissions and climate change. “The founding of Netflix is worse for the climate than the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.” That was how the hosts of the Danish national radio program ‘Go’ Morgen P3’ concluded, […]

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High availability and recovery with IBM Z and LinuxONE

Your customers require 24/7 availability. Answer their call with reliable platforms: IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE. In the lightboard video demonstration below, IBM’s Nada Santiago will show how you can build a resilient infrastructure and get back up and running faster. DID YOU READ: The most secure Enterprise Cloud platform designed to scale your business […]

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