Never Stop Learning to Stay Ahead of the Game

How do I stay competitive in this ever-changing business market? This is a question you may ask yourself as you start to think about your career journey. At IBM, we believe the answer is to evolve and enhance your skills through continuous learning. Whether you’re still in school, just beginning your career, or a seasoned professional – acquiring new skills and staying up to date with the latest trends and developments can help keep you ahead of the game. It’s the perfect way to set yourself apart and stay ahead of the curve.


Never Stop Learning


IBM is a huge supporter of continuous learning, a value that’s deeply rooted in our culture and DNA. As soon as you become an IBMer, you’ll get access to our ‘Your Learning’ platform, which offers an engaging and interactive learning experience. With a wide range of courses and badges on everything from data science to project management, there’s something for everyone. You’ll learn from top experts in the field, and with personalized recommendations, based on your interests and goals, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a true expert in any topic you want to upskill on.


Never Stop Learning


We know that learning doesn’t stop at the end of a course; that’s why in addition to our learning platform, IBM makes mentorship and coaching accessible to all employees through our ‘Your Guides’ platform.

Let’s say, for example, you have a question on a specific piece of code, or you’re looking to understand how design thinking really works at IBM. With a simple search, you can find the perfect mentor or coach with the skills you need and immediately schedule a meeting directly through the platform. All the coaches and mentors are volunteers from IBM who offer a unique set of skills to support your growth and development.

So, if you should ever need some guidance on how to advance your career, how to manage agile projects, or even advice on how to navigate IBM, you’ll have coaches and mentors readily available, globally, who can speak to all these topics and more.

But what if you’re not an IBMer yet?

No problem!

We believe in learning so much that we don’t just offer learning tools and resources to our employees, we also offer them to our candidates and clients as well. We know how important it is to keep adapting in this fast-paced world, so we want to ensure everyone has the resources they need to succeed.


Here are a 3 FREE learning resources you can leverage today:

  1. IBM Training – This platform is particularly useful for people who want to develop their technical skills or gain experience in new areas.
  2. IBM SkillsBuild – This innovative training platform helps adult learners and high school and university students develop valuable new skills and access career opportunities. The program includes an online platform that is complemented by customized, practical learning experiences – everything from preparing to be ‘workforce ready’ to top trending skills to help you succeed in various tech roles.
  3. IBM SkillsBuild Community Events – Connect with the SkillsBuild community and gain firsthand experience with the latest in technology, whether in-person or from your home.

With our extensive range of online learning platforms, coaching programs, and mentorship opportunities, IBM is a great place to work if you’re looking to grow and develop your career in an industry that’s changing at break-neck speed.

If you’re looking for a job, our advice is to stay curious and continue your path of personal and professional development. You never know when you’ll need to put those skills to use. Don’t hesitate to invest in yourself and learn something new today!

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