How Geetha Found Her Path at IBM

The women of IBM are doing some amazing things to change the world, so let’s celebrate them!

Today, we’re catching up with Geetha Adinarayan, Chief Architect for IBM TRIRIGA Building Insights in India. Geetha shares how taking on multiple roles has helped her find her place at IBM.

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Tell us about your journey with IBM!

Hi, I’m Geetha Adinarayan. Currently, I’m the Chief Architect for IBM TRIRIGA Building Insights. This is an offering from the IBM Watson IoT business unit. In addition to this role, I am responsible for leading the common Software Stack across all offerings of Watson IoT. Our objective is creating common stack not just by looking at technical feasibility but also by understanding the cost, market and support models.

I joined IBM in 1999 as a Test Engineer. In 2006, I decided to move to a customer-facing role. I worked as a performance architect in WebSphere Lab services for 7 years. Working with troubled customers and bringing multiple teams together in solving performance problems brought me a lot of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. I completed both L2 and L3 IT specialist certifications during this tenure.

In 2012, I chose to move to Tivoli product development team. During this time, I also embraced the opportunity to be a mother. In Tivoli, I was the technical lead for IBM Log Analysis and IT Operational Analytics. At the time, these were brand new offerings using text analytics from IBM. I had the opportunity to work with opensource software such as filebeat, logstash, ELK stack and also deployment of SaaS. I also experienced the complete DevOps cycle for these offerings.



What set you on the road to where you are?

When I look back, it has been a great journey. Solving complex problems and finding simple solutions are my constant motivations. Seeing the end-to-end picture and focusing on the value we provide to end-users provided a number of opportunities to innovate and invent. Many of my mentors and managers have inspired me and supported me during this journey and my heartfelt thanks to them for their support and encouragement!


What inspires you?

My children inspire me. They are my source of energy every day. They give me a sense of freshness, of new beginnings, and drive me to explore the solutions to a number of problems that exist in business and society today. Though I see them every day, they are mysteries. There is something in them that constantly motivates me and pushes me to a state beyond thinking, one that connects me to my innermost self. It drives me forward with energy, balance, and curiosity.


What is one piece of advice you would give your early working professional self?

While I was on the testing team, I met my mentor. He was extremely kind to have come forward and offer to be my mentor. At that time I did not know what to do. After a year, I started having regular conversations with him and with his guidance I took the role of Enterprise Performance Architect, a role that helped me to where I am today.

My advice is to find a mentor, get to know them, have conversations, and be engaged. Many times, it’s your network that brings wonderful opportunities.



What does Women’s History Month mean to you?

For me, it’s a month to reflect on the journey we as women have taken. My grandmother and mother inspire me through their hard work, integrity, and focus. As we evolve and change, it reminds me of the path we have taken. I see the opportunity for us to be leaders in our field and bring a positive difference to our families, businesses, and communities.


Why did you choose IBM?

Initially, I didn’t consider testing as a career that I wanted to actively pursue. Soon my view changed, as I attended an architecture thinking workshop. I met a number of technical leaders and understood the paths they took in
IBM. The flexibility to integrate work and life and the freedom to work on areas of interest keeps me here. For me, IBM is not just a place to work, but a place where I connect with the world. It’s a place where I meditate through work and can express my viewpoints.