Breaking Down the Myths which Deter Women From a Career in Tech

In the rapidly evolving tech industry landscape, women often encounter myths and misconceptions when pursuing careers in technology and engineering. However, at IBM, we stand at the forefront, dedicated to dismantling these barriers and challenging the stereotypes associated with women in tech. We firmly believe in harnessing the power of diverse perspectives and voices.

To shed light on this inspiring movement, three remarkable tech innovators at IBM are sharing their perspectives on the subject. These IBMers are rewriting the narrative through their exceptional skills, determination, and unwavering spirit.


Myth #1: Women are not interested in or passionate about technology

“A prevailing belief suggests that women lack technical competence and must work twice as hard to prove themselves. I am living proof that this notion is a complete myth!” said Geetu, an application architect based in Pune, India. “As a technical leader at IBM, I am just as passionate about technology as my male counterparts. Gender stereotypes should never discourage women from pursuing their dreams. Numerous successful women tech leaders at some of the world’s largest companies stand as beacons of inspiration for others who share the same passion for tech.”

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Sejal – SAP Analytics Architect, SAP WIT Leader CIC

“The misconception that women lack passion or interest in technology is false. People often express surprise when they see women in leadership positions, but with the right passion, education, and an inclusive and supportive work environment, the number of female leaders will continue to rise,” said Sejal, an SAP analytics architect. “I have been fortunate to have multiple career growth opportunities and exceptional mentors and leaders who have guided me on my journey at IBM, shaping me into the leader I am today. Influential women tech leaders will continue to rise and serve as role models for current and future generations of women in tech.”

“Society has made significant strides towards gender equality, empowering women to embrace their love for technology and encouraging them to share their diverse ideas and innovations,” said Divisha, a leader in hybrid multi-cloud transformation in IBM India. “IBM recognizes that a diverse leadership team and a culture of conscious inclusion and belonging are vital for fostering innovation and driving business growth.”


Myth #2: Tech careers are only for individuals with strong mathematical or technical skills

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Divisha – Sr. Delivery Lead, Hybrid Multi-Cloud Transformation Garage

“There is a wide range of technology careers available that don’t necessarily require a strong background in mathematics or technical expertise,” said Divisha. “For example, career paths in technical writing, user experience (UX) design, web design, technical support, and quality assurance testing can focus on documentation, design, support, and ensuring quality standards and customer requirements are met. If you aspire to be more technically skilled, IBM offers programs for mentorship and upskilling in specific areas across technologies.”

“A successful team comprises individuals with diverse backgrounds and a variety of strengths,” said Sejal. “While having strong mathematical or technical skills can provide advantages in some tech careers, they are not the sole determining factor. I find that having strong people and communication skills, a proactive attitude, and a creative mindset are equally important for success. Understanding the business and industry is also crucial for growth and thriving in this field.”


Myth #3: Tech is a male-dominated field and not welcoming to women

“Based on my experience at IBM, this myth is far from true. While there may still be more men than women in the tech industry, there has been a significant shift towards inclusion and diversity in recent years,” said Sejal. “Like many companies, IBM has established communities, especially for women, to foster an inclusive environment that promotes professional advancement. Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on providing equal opportunities for women and establishing a balanced pipeline that focuses not only on diversity, but also on talent and skills, embracing female leaders and viewing their inclusion as positive progress, rather than a mere trend.”

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Geetu – Application Architect

“The tech industry has made tremendous strides in embracing women today, and companies, like IBM, have created more equitable environments,” said Geetu. “Personally, I have felt even more encouraged to pursue a tech career because of the support I’ve received from my leaders at IBM. Many companies are taking proactive steps to level the playing field by providing more flexible working arrangements and additional resources to assist women in their careers. As a result, we are witnessing a notable rise in women assuming top leadership roles and the presence of female CEOs in numerous top tech companies.”


Myth #4: Women cannot balance family and personal life with a career in tech

“Some of the most high-profile women in tech lead successful personal and professional lives. Tech giants have implemented initiatives that enable and support women in balancing their work and family life,” said Divisha. “These initiatives include educational support, family-friendly office environments, time for creativity, and flexible working hours. By prioritizing family responsibilities and nurturing their professional growth, women can excel in their tech careers while maintaining their personal well-being.”

“Women are natural multitaskers, and with the right support systems, we can balance our personal lives with our tech careers,” said Geetu. “Many tech companies today provide flexibility in working hours and opportunities to work from home. Additionally, parental leave policies allow for time off when needed. With proper time management, women can and have been successful at balancing their personal and professional lives, leading to fulfilling and rewarding tech careers.”



Consider IBM as the next step in your career journey!

IBM is committed to empowering women worldwide to pursue exciting careers in tech. We eagerly anticipate fostering the next generation of women in our industry because, at IBM, we believe that everyone, regardless of their identity, has an equal opportunity to succeed.