
By Alexander Ziegler on 17 February 2023

Skills and Product Adoption

Product Adoption In today’s fast-paced world, having the right skills is essential to success. As the job market evolves and new technologies emerge, it’s crucial that individuals continuously develop and enhance their skills. This is especially true when it comes to product adoption. I would like to outline in this Blog some facts about how […]

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By sonia.malik on 1 December 2021

Future of Work Trends: The Agile Learning Imperative

In 2020, the global workforce lost an equivalent of 255 million full-time jobs, an estimated $3.7 trillion in wages, and 4.4% of global GDP, a staggering toll on lives and livelihoods. While vaccine rollout has begun and the growth outlook is predicted to improve, socio-economic recovery is far from certain. Organizations and individuals which had […]

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By sonia.malik on 22 March 2021

5 growth engines driving the new jobs towards economic recovery – A summary of the Burning Glass Report, After the Storm

The recession left in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. The changes have been so profound that fundamental patterns of how we work, shop, socialize, travel and live have changed forever. If the world is going to have a recovery that not only brings the economy back to where it was but also […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 12 February 2019

Mainframe Skills: A review

Why talking about Mainframe skills Those following my blog know that I’m covering from time to time mainframe topics. I just think it is an interesting area to keep an eye on. Some key topics I covered in the past were Successful Skills, z Scholarship or  Cobol. So, as I got pinged last week from a client around […]

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