
By Alexander Ziegler on 19 November 2020

A case study from IBM: NPS

A case study from IBM: The Value of a NPS in Driving a Company’s Bottom Line There is a lot of research from within IBM and also from academic researchers on this subject. I observed that case studies, created by IBM researchers especially, are getting a lot of visibility. For example, articles like the following: […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 15 June 2018

Net Promoter Score: Impressive and helpful even in Training

Net Promoter Score In the case you never heard about Net Promoter Score (NPS) then please first have a look to the NPS entry on Wikipedia. You’re wondering why I’m writing about it? The answer is simple: It is a great approach. And improves services and products. The biggest route to market for IBMs training are […]

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