IBM SkillsBuild

By sonia.malik on 23 March 2023

Global study finds interest in STEM careers, but misconceptions and price barriers exist.

Job seekers, students, and career changers around the world want to pursue roles related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) across different industries, but say they are not familiar with career options. At the same time, online training and digital credentials are emerging as a recognized pathway to opportunity as respondents plan to seek […]

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By sonia.malik on 26 January 2023

Get skilled in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in under 10 hours

Soft skills are essential to career resilience By 2025, some 85 million jobs may be lost to the emerging division of labor among humans, machines, and algorithms, according to a World Economic Forum report published in 2020, though 97 million more jobs may emerge that are better adapted to the new dynamic. But with the […]

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