future of work

By sonia.malik on 26 January 2023

Get skilled in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in under 10 hours

Soft skills are essential to career resilience By 2025, some 85 million jobs may be lost to the emerging division of labor among humans, machines, and algorithms, according to a World Economic Forum report published in 2020, though 97 million more jobs may emerge that are better adapted to the new dynamic. But with the […]

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By sonia.malik on 22 February 2022

Winning the War for Talent with Agile Learning

The term “war for talent” was coined by McKinsey’s Steve Hankin back in 1997 and was popularized by the book of that name in 2001. Back then, it referred to the intense competition to attract and retain employees at a time when too few workers were available to replace the baby boomers departing the workforce […]

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By sonia.malik on 26 January 2022

Disrupt Yourself in 2022 : Prepare for the most in-demand tech jobs

From digital transformation to hybrid offices, the world of work is changing at a rapid pace — accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary innovation in its wake. The Great Attrition is also happening. A record number of employees have or plan to quit. In the U.S., voluntary attrition increased by almost 800,000 in […]

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By Natalie Brooks Powell on 2 December 2021

Thrive in the Cloud and Go Beyond What Everyone Else is Doing

For a rapidly growing number of companies and computing professionals, the cloud is the place to be. And IBM can help you get there. The award-winning IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT) provides hands-on lab learning experiences as well as industry-recognized, role-based professional certifications to deliver the essential skills you need to thrive in the […]

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By sonia.malik on 1 December 2021

Future of Work Trends: The Agile Learning Imperative

In 2020, the global workforce lost an equivalent of 255 million full-time jobs, an estimated $3.7 trillion in wages, and 4.4% of global GDP, a staggering toll on lives and livelihoods. While vaccine rollout has begun and the growth outlook is predicted to improve, socio-economic recovery is far from certain. Organizations and individuals which had […]

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By sonia.malik on 28 October 2021

IBM Professional Certificates on Coursera receive college credit recommendation from ACE

IBM is pleased to share that we have earned official recognition from the American Council on Education (ACE). This recommendation will allow learners to translate their Data Science, Data Analysis, and Cybersecurity Professional Certificate completions for up to 12 college credits, or roughly one semester of college coursework, from participating academic institutions. Why is this impactful […]

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By sonia.malik on 30 August 2021

Building Cyber Resilience – The Time To Prioritize Cybersecurity Is Now

Recent events have forced rapid changes in the world of cybersecurity, as it has in all facets of operations. While remote work is not new for some job roles, especially in technical fields, the workplace-wide shift to remote work has been sudden and wide-ranging, leaving security professionals with little time to respond. Similarly, while cloud […]

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By sonia.malik on 28 July 2021

Top 3 Data Job Roles Explained : A Career Guide

Data is the world`s most valuable resource! Data is not recent, but it is growing at an incredible rate. The increasing interactions between data, algorithms, and analytics of big data, connected data and individuals are opening enormous new prospects. Enterprises and even economies have now started developing products and services based on data-driven analogies. The ability […]

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By sonia.malik on 25 June 2021

Skill Up for the Data Job you want

Data is critical for any business as it helps them make decisions based on trends, statistical numbers and facts. Due to this importance of data, data science as a multi-disciplinary field has developed at a very accelerated pace. It utilizes scientific approaches, frameworks, algorithms, and procedures to extract insight from a massive amount of data. […]

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By sonia.malik on 25 April 2021

Using Education to Build skills for Social inclusion Globally: IBM at Coursera Conference 2021

Improving the job market prospects and quality of work for those disadvantaged needs to be a focus for government agencies, higher education institutions and industry partners alike. Concerted and focused efforts are needed to improve outreach, quality and relevance of education and training, and improve the pathways to the world of work. Given the heterogeneity […]

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By sonia.malik on 22 March 2021

5 growth engines driving the new jobs towards economic recovery – A summary of the Burning Glass Report, After the Storm

The recession left in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. The changes have been so profound that fundamental patterns of how we work, shop, socialize, travel and live have changed forever. If the world is going to have a recovery that not only brings the economy back to where it was but also […]

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By sonia.malik on 1 March 2021

IBMs Popular Data Science Programs Now Available in Multiple Languages

The pandemic is accelerating the technological trends that were already changing the future of work: Automation, as technology creates new ways of doing work that once required human intervention Digitization, in which a 8 in 10 jobs now require digital skills Hybridization, where jobs combine skill sets that traditionally did not need to co-exist. For eg: […]

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By sonia.malik on 28 January 2021

Thriving in the Age of Hybrid Work: Build career resilience with Skills

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of data, AI, and digital technologies and accelerated the future of work to NOW! The world has gone from extremely tight labor markets, accelerated economic growth, and scarce talent toward high job instability, growing unemployment, and worrying recessions. Organizations and individuals which had embarked on the digital transformation […]

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By sonia.malik on 7 December 2020

Skills Transformation For The 2021 Workplace

2020 has been a year like no other. It’s the year that a pandemic brought the entire world to a complete stand-still at the same time. We may not yet know how the number of deaths caused by the coronavirus will stack up to previous disasters, how the economic fallout will compare to previous recessions, […]

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By sonia.malik on 30 October 2020

Jobs of Tomorrow: Opportunities and Skills

The COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdowns and related global recession of 2020 have created a highly uncertain outlook for the labor market and accelerated the arrival of the future of work. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report provides the insights needed to orient labor markets and workers towards opportunity today and in the future of […]

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By sonia.malik on 22 June 2020

Increase your employability: Become an intentional Super Learner

The COVID-19 pandemic with the social distancing guidelines has established a new normal, a situation which has given us the time to slow down and create a new way of working. A norm that has impacted the global workforce equally encouraged us to re-evaluate our habits and encourage the adoption of new skills by becoming […]

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By sonia.malik on 26 May 2020

IBM Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Professional Certificates on edX

Thanks to COVID-19, the future of work is here. Work, as we know, it has temporarily changed completely. From where, to how, and to some extent, even what our work entails has transformed dramatically in the past three months. As the health guidelines that dictate our lives change on an everyday basis, so does our […]

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By sonia.malik on 28 April 2020

Get ‘job ready’ for the economic recovery on the horizon

Strengthen your resume with the right skills and credentials   The sudden emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a severe blow to economies, businesses, and workers worldwide. As the world takes action to contain COVID-19 transmissions and “flatten the curve,” physical distancing measures are the first line of defense—and they have profoundly altered the rhythms […]

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