
By sonia.malik on 28 July 2021

Top 3 Data Job Roles Explained : A Career Guide

Data is the world`s most valuable resource! Data is not recent, but it is growing at an incredible rate. The increasing interactions between data, algorithms, and analytics of big data, connected data and individuals are opening enormous new prospects. Enterprises and even economies have now started developing products and services based on data-driven analogies. The ability […]

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By sonia.malik on 25 June 2021

Skill Up for the Data Job you want

Data is critical for any business as it helps them make decisions based on trends, statistical numbers and facts. Due to this importance of data, data science as a multi-disciplinary field has developed at a very accelerated pace. It utilizes scientific approaches, frameworks, algorithms, and procedures to extract insight from a massive amount of data. […]

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