By sonia.malik on 23 September 2019

Announcing NEW IBM Professional Certificates on Coursera

Josh Bersin states in his article Career Management goes mission critical ; “One of the most disruptive changes in the world of work is the new way we manage our careers. Only a few decades ago people relied on their employers for a career. Today this has radically changed, giving birth to a new set […]

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By sonia.malik on 23 September 2019

Closing the skills gap for the future of work

Throughout economic history, talented humans have been a source of innovation and advancement their skills the impetus for economic growth. Today, however, multiple factors, including continued –and rapid –technological developments and business and operating model innovation, have contributed to market shifts that are redefining industries. Combined with various economic and market disruptions, as well as […]

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By sonia.malik on 27 August 2019

Artificial Intelligence presents an opportunity not a threat (Part 1)

Introducing the disruptor Technology is seen as the most radical driver of change, from artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to digital mobility and virtual collaboration  – yet other trends could be just as decisive. The lines between our work  and personal lives are shifting. Diversity and demands for equality are also  reshaping the workplace. We […]

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By Ana Echeverri on 19 February 2019

New IBM Skills Training to Get Clients Up & Running on AI

We are at an inflection point.  Data Science and AI technologies are not just a continuum of old technologies. They represent a complete paradigm shift that take us from a deterministic world to a probabilistic world, increasing the potential to profoundly change human society, and to become a new engine of economic development. Around the world, […]

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By David Leaser on 19 February 2019

Reskilling for Robots: AI and the future of jobs

What do you need to do to prepare for an AI driven future? By David Leaser Just five years ago, the late scientist Stephen Hawking made a dire prediction: The “development of full artificial intelligence (AI) could spell the end of the human race.”  These ideas are not new. In 1867, Karl Marx wrote, “The instrument […]

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