
Interesting items on the web (May 2020)

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The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration.

The Coming Disruption Scott Galloway predicts a handful of elite cyborg universities will soon monopolize higher education.

Galloway, a Silicon Valley runaway who teaches marketing at NYU Stern School of Business, believes the pandemic has greased the wheels for big tech’s entrée into higher education. The post-pandemic future, he says, will entail partnerships between the largest tech companies in the world and elite universities.

You can read the whole article, published on the Intelligencer via the following link:



The postgenerational workforce : From millennials to perennials

Today’s workforce is more complex than ever, making any single demographic lens of limited value. Forward-looking organizations are shifting their approach in an effort to better understand the workforce’s attitudes and values.

You can read the whole article, published on the Deloitte via the following link:


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