
Celebrating Phenomenal Women: Champions of Change

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International Women’s Day 2023
Women who have inspired us. 

Today, across the globe, we celebrate the achievements of women.

At the IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT), we have the incredible opportunity to work with talented women who have made the commitment to continuous learning.  Women who are making a difference for clients and communities — globally and locally.

Here are their stories.  Please join us in celebrating their achievements.

Meet Maria Godoy, Certified Cloud Architect and Customer Success Manager

Cloud architects make an impact at every stage of a project, especially during design. And, most importantly, when working with clients.

As a customer success manager, Maria works to discover client objectives and helps clients succeed. But she wanted to have more in-depth conversations with customers and gain more knowledge of the full IBM Cloud portfolio and capabilities.

Maria has a master’s degree in software engineering and an undergraduate degree in computer science. Building her career in technical support, Maria sees the value in building her skills and staying up to date with cloud technologies.

Maria earned her IBM Cloud Professional Architect Certification with the IBM Center for Cloud Training on her first try.

As a result of the training and certification from ICCT, Maria can assess customers wants and articulate what IBM offers.

Read Maria’s story.

Meet Peace Asukwo, Certified Cloud Site Reliability Engineer

As an engineer responsible for site reliability, Peace works to provide infrastructure solutions to clients’ multi-cloud incidents, helping both business and clients succeed. She wanted to have more knowledge of the full IBM Cloud portfolio and capabilities.

Peace has a master’s engineering degree in information and network security and an undergraduate degree in computer engineering. Building her career in hybrid multi-cloud, security, infrastructure, and incident management, Peace still sees the value in building her skills and staying up to date with platform and infrastructure reliability within IBM Cloud.

Peace earned her IBM Cloud Site Reliability Engineer Certification from the IBM Center for Cloud Training on her first try.

As a result of the training and certification she received from ICCT, Peace knows how to deliver the reliable infrastructure and platform solutions that IBM offers customers operating in a hybrid multi-cloud environment.

Today for International Women’s Day develop a passion for skills

Join the Cloud Architect Study Jam already in progress. Two hours online each day to prep for the IBM Cloud Professional Architect certification exam. Study Jams are free, online, and open to anyone anywhere to participate.

Register today!

Email us at for replay information.

Chart your Cloud career

The award-winning IBM Center for Cloud Training is ready to help you develop your skills on the IBM Cloud portfolio. Whether your role is technical or non-technical – even if you’re new to IBM Cloud – there’s a learning path from anywhere in the world.

Check out our full list of IBM Cloud certifications at ICCT.

Want to know where to start? Take our easy five-question online assessment and begin the next step in your Cloud career.

Give the Cloud Compass a try.

Introductions and overviews

IBM Center for Cloud Training

IBM Cloud role-based certifications

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