
By Rob Shook on 28 August 2018

Interesting items on the web (July and August 2018)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your […]

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By Rob Shook and Kathleen deJongh on 21 June 2018

Interesting items on the web (June 2018)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your […]

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By Brent Brandow on 20 June 2018

Making Bank with IBM: The Highest Paid IT Jobs

Perhaps Will Ferrell as Brendan Huff in Step Brothers said it best, “I’m ready. Walking tall. I’ve been earning and burning, snapping necks and cashing checks.” A little aggressive, but the desire to earn more in your chosen field is universal. But how do you get there? This month Forbes featured findings from The 2018 […]

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By Rob Shook on 28 May 2018

Interesting items on the web (May 2018)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. Reshaping […]

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By Kathleen De Jongh on 25 April 2018

Interesting items on the web (April 2018)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. The […]

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By Rob Shook on 26 March 2018

Interesting items on the web (March 2018)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. Different […]

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By Rob Shook on 26 February 2018

Interesting items on the web (February 2018)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. National […]

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By Kathleen De Jongh on 29 January 2018

Interesting items on the web (January 2018)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. How […]

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By Kathleen De Jongh on 11 December 2017

Interesting items on the web (November – December 2017)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. Interesting […]

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By Kathleen De Jongh on 24 October 2017

Interesting items on the web (October 2017)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. Leading […]

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By Kathleen De Jongh on 25 September 2017

Interesting items on the web (September 2017)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. 5 […]

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By Kathleen De Jongh on 25 August 2017

Interesting items on the web (August 2017)

The Training & Skills team are voracious readers and we come across so much content on the web that would be of interest. We’re committed to making the most of your time – so we’ve chosen only the “best of the best” of the things we’ve seen this month, and present it here for your consideration. How […]

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By Rob Shook on 23 June 2017

Social media update

Thanks to the many thousands of you who subscribe to our newsletter. If you are getting value out of this, please invite your colleagues to join us as well. We publish monthly, except for July and November because of holidays. Here’s some text you could cut and paste: “I subscribe to a monthly newsletter from […]

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By sonia.malik on 16 March 2017

Mastering Learning as a skill

As we come to the close of the 1st quarter in 2017, we have been exposed to a multitude of publications around top skills and/or  top jobs for 2017.   Here are some stand-outs from my perspective : LinkedIn data reveals the most promising jobs in 2017 Monster’s 5 new collar jobs you could land […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 8 February 2017

I’m part of Generation C

Generation C, X, Y, Z I think I understood the differentiation of Generation X, Y, Baby Boomers, Millennials. – Now you do not know what Generation C is? I read about “Gen C” in a Bog Post and learnt this means “Connected Consumer”. Referring to this I felt directly in love with this definition. Why? […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 12 December 2016

Old but still up-to-date: Learning strategy— an investment in the future

When surfing the web another day I sumbled accross an old (old = dated from 2005) article from Jay Cross. He created at that time a paper around Learning Strategy, and I got reminded that I liked this article when it was fresh and new, and even in our times of lots of changes this […]

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By sonia.malik on 2 December 2016

Learning is personal…

In the past, people were trained to do their jobs once and this would last them for as long as they stayed in the same job.  Over time, as job roles morphed and new technologies were introduced, training became essential to keep people knowledgeable, skilled and up to date. Let’s fast forward to today, where people are constantly changing […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 18 October 2016

Millenials + Gen X: Are Learning Differences between Generations A Myth?

Compared to differences between generations there are probably few questions in learning and development where people have expressed so many different opinions. Where does that leave learning and development professionals when it comes to figuring out what matters in designing workplace training? Linda Warren summarized in a good article the University Studies dealing with this […]

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