Future of Work

By sonia.malik on 23 September 2019

Closing the skills gap for the future of work

Throughout economic history, talented humans have been a source of innovation and advancement their skills the impetus for economic growth. Today, however, multiple factors, including continued –and rapid –technological developments and business and operating model innovation, have contributed to market shifts that are redefining industries. Combined with various economic and market disruptions, as well as […]

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By David Leaser on 16 September 2019

Badges Need Rigor! (Or do they really?)

By David Leaser The debate about Open Badges has shifted from their use as a signal of achievement to a dialog about rigor and the qualifications to earn a badge. In the process, the value of Open Badges may be lost if we prescribe a fixed set of expectations and present assumptions to constrain their […]

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By sonia.malik on 27 August 2019

Artificial Intelligence presents an opportunity not a threat (Part 1)

Introducing the disruptor Technology is seen as the most radical driver of change, from artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to digital mobility and virtual collaboration  – yet other trends could be just as decisive. The lines between our work  and personal lives are shifting. Diversity and demands for equality are also  reshaping the workplace. We […]

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By David Leaser on 19 July 2019

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is outstripping the supply of skilled workers

By David Leaser A new Burning Glass study should serve as a wakeup call for technical training organizations: The demand for cybersecurity professionals is outstripping the supply of skilled workers. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) shows the number of new cybersecurity programs has increased 33%, but the demand is growing faster as cybersecurity is now […]

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By James Daniels on 27 June 2019

Developing the Next Generation of Mainframe Talent

When it comes to acquiring new skills, most everyone will agree that mentoring and coaching from subject matter experts is vital to the knowledge transfer process for those who are in the earlier stages of learning something new. It’s also a safe assumption that most everyone has found themselves on both sides of the mentoring […]

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