Jani Byrne

By Jani Byrne on 14 June 2024

Confused by continuing education terminology? We help you figure it out.

Professionals today have a growing number of ways to gain new skills and demonstrate their knowledge.  Badges, certificates, and certifications abound. But how do you know which is right for you, or, if you are a manager, for your team? The benefits of credentials are clear. For technology professionals, earning credentials of any kind can […]

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By Jani Byrne on 27 April 2021

Training and Skills thought leadership at IBM Think 2021

Training and Skills thought leadership at IBM Think 2021 Training and Skills are center stage at the IBM Think 2021 virtual conference. Experts will address tough topics head-on, including skill sourcing alternatives and tips for upskilling internal IT teams faster. Of course, you can see technology luminaries at IBM Think, too. Join us May 11 […]

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By Jani Byrne on 6 October 2020

Life-long learning reinvents and drives innovation

Before joining IBM in 2020 as Senior Vice President for Hybrid Cloud, Howard Boville, was the Chief Technology Officer at Bank of America. In his new video, Howard explains how he made strategic use of training to drive transformation projects. He describes the importance of life-long learning, for ourselves and our organizations. ICCT Howard Boville, […]

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