Business Development

A case study from IBM: NPS

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A case study from IBM: The Value of a NPS in Driving a Company’s Bottom Line

There is a lot of research from within IBM and also from academic researchers on this subject. I observed that case studies, created by IBM researchers especially, are getting a lot of visibility. For example, articles like the following: “Unsupervised learning approach to estimating user engagement with mobile applications: A case study of The Weather Company (IBM)” created by researchers inside the IBM labs (Lior Turgemana, Otis Smart, Nili Guya) are typical examples of IBM case study research, but there are no industry-related NPS case studies currently available.

So, I decided to work on an NPS case-study research this year. I blogged on the same subject two years ago, and yes, the following whitepaper is taking the high-level blog to a serious research level. It is highlighting an interesting experience of IBM. Springer published the Whitepaper in September. The results are applicable to most training departments, but the case study should even be applied in general to any services business.

Further detail

I introduced the use of NPS at IBM Training in 2017. Interestingly at that point, we observed virtually no issues but seeing a high rating of our instructors and materials in our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) I thought: ‘We’re doing really well – maybe we should still try to improve and try out NPS?’. Since that point of time, IBM and our Global Training Providers have been using NPS. Looking back at the time of introduction the results are impressive. We were able to use the feedback we received in the NPS comments together with our Partners. Our partners have already triggered multiple business improvements as a result that represent real value long-term to all of us. One of the changes significantly increased the feedback they received in NPS and ultimately their bottom line.

You can find an overview of the whitepaper outlining the highlights on here.

If you have access to an academic library then you should be able to access the full text from there however if not please contact me and I will help you to get access to the full whitepaper.

If you have any queries, you can contact me.

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