Modernization Accelerates Operational Resilience

By June 22, 2021


Accelerate with IBM Consulting

What makes a supply chain resilient?

Even before COVID-19 sent shock waves through supply chains around the world, companies in Quebec’s consumer products industry were modernizing their supply chains to make them more efficient, agile, and sustainable.

In my work, I am part of an IBM team that designs and implements SAP ERP solutions for provincial, national, and multinational companies. I see firsthand how customers can better anticipate, understand, and navigate supply chain disruptions by:

  • Creating smarter processes and data flow to drive efficiency across the product value chain.
  • Adopting a proactive approach to supply chain planning to facilitate end-to-end visibility.
  • Empowering teams with improved employee and customer experiences.

Why SAP modernization is a priority

In the post-COVID world, Quebec companies are eager to take advantage of the intelligent features that newer products and solutions of SAP can provide. They are fully aware that technology modernization will accelerate their operational transformation, unlock productivity and business value, and proactively prepare them for uncertainty in the future, particularly given that disruptions are expected to grow more frequent and more severe.

Large-scale deployments of intelligent ERP systems are often complex and challenging, especially when enterprises seize growth and development opportunities in the market, notably through acquisitions, as it has for some of our global clients. Agility and adaptability are therefore key factors in the success of these major transformational programs.

During COVID-19, despite the massive shift to remote work, the IBM team was able to successfully run workshops, deliver training and testing sessions and meet go-live deadlines without any major delays. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, IBM had the capacity to deliver projects remotely and it represented a real competitive differentiator.

Having experienced significant growth in sale volumes during the pandemic, one my key clients in the consumer products industry is benefiting from the fully integrated SAP S/4HANA Cloud platform. Standardized and automated processes in sales and operations planning, procurement, production planning and execution, and accounting have increased their efficiency and enabled improved profitability overall. They are now better positioned to extend their operations and global production footprint, while poised for future strategic growth.

An integrated, adaptable team

A recent IDC report (1) reveals that 81 percent of companies surveyed in Quebec believe IBM is a trustworthy company, and 79 percent say that IBM understands their company needs.  I have seen this firsthand in my most recent consulting experiences, working closely with global and multidisciplinary teams in different countries, such as Australia, Canada, and the United States. Our team is undaunted by challenges and approaching them with openness and agility. In today’s rapidly changing environment, we are always willing to adapt quickly and be flexible according to customer requirements. Our goal is to help clients build operational and supply chain resilience.

Our clients know that IBM has the tools, skills, talents, and processes to deliver cutting-edge digital solutions – even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. I believe it is the integration and globality of our services that set IBM apart.

We rise to Quebec’s business challenges with a dedicated team delivering intelligent, innovative technology solutions that can help industrial companies accelerate toward efficient, sustainable, resilient operations and processes.

Accelerate with IBM Consulting

Justine Nadeau-Routhier serves clients in the consumer goods and manufacturing sectors, helping companies to integrate technology solutions and enable their digital capabilities. Justine focuses on supporting global companies in designing and implementing major transformation programs, mainly in manufacturing, supply chain and operations.

Twitter: @JNadeauRouthier

(1) IDC, Canadian IT Services Brand Perceptions, 2020: Familiarity, Awareness, and Brand Associations, Doc # CA45672220, Dec 2020