
Fractals – a way to see infinity

Ever wonder why a river, looks like a tree, looks like a leaf? IBMer Benoit Mandelbrot did. His quirky way of looking at the world led to the discovery of fractal geometry. Fractals have made it possible to mathematically explore the kinds of rough irregularities that exist in nature. Clouds are not perfect spheres, mountains […]

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Newly discovered genetic risk factors could improve celiac disease detection

Author: Benjamin Goudey, Research Scientist, Healthcare and Life Sciences, IBM Research  About 1% of the Australian population need to abstain from gluten due to a condition called celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that inflames the small intestine when gluten is consumed. While around 1% of people in Western countries have celiac disease, up to 70% […]

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Meet Ena the eBike

Author: Josh Andres, Human-Computer Interaction Researcher, User Experience/Interface Lead, IBM Research Lab, Australia More people than ever are riding their bikes as a way to stay fit, avoid crowded public transport, and help the environment. Sadly, the dangers of cycling, especially in urban environments, are well known, but what if you had an electric bicycle […]

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IBM’s largest document layout dataset is helping understand COVID-19 literature

Author: Peter Zhong, Research Scientist, IBM Research, Australia Co-Authors: Stefan Maetschke, AI Engineer, IBM Research, Australia and Ella Shafiei, Research Scientist, IBM Research, Australia Documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) are everywhere, with over 2.5 trillion currently available, ranging from simple user manuals, insurance documents to complex scientific articles. PDF documents represent one of the […]

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Building Energy Analytics for Cooling and Heating is helping to fight climate change

Author: Dr Arun Vishwanath, Senior Research Scientist, IBM Research One of the defining challenges facing our society is climate change. Reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are at the core of this challenge. At IBM, we take climate change seriously, having stated for over a decade that this issue calls for meaningful action on […]

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Meet Ari, the Smart Bike that Helps you Catch Green Lights

Authors: Josh Andres, Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, and Yuyang (Eric) Zhang As summer approaches, more people are opting to enjoy the sunshine by riding their bikes. Josh Andres, an IBM Researcher who regularly rides his bike, was inspired by the frustration experienced by bike riders when getting stuck at a red traffic light. This problem aligned well with his […]

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How AI will help to accelerate the transition to renewables and energy storage

Author: Dr. Julian De Hoog, Technical Lead – Energy & IoT, IBM Research Australia Staring up at the roof of his house, my neighbour Oscar asks me, “So, do you think it would be worth it?”  He is referring of course to the possibility of installing solar PV panels on his roof.  Across Australia, many others like […]

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AI holds promise for glaucoma, a leading global cause of blindness

 Author: Bhavna Antony, IBM Research Scientist Australia Many eye diseases that cause irreversible blindness are ones that develop slowly, showing little to no sign of vision threat until it is too late. Diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma are the leading and second leading cause of blindness worldwide, respectively. They currently affect 350 million individuals across the […]

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Guided by a sense of purpose

Author: David La Rose, General Manager, IBM Partner Ecosystem, IBM Systems I felt particularly proud to be an IBMer when I sat down to watch the ABC’s Catalyst Program talking about the advances we are making in robotics and the impact it’s having on the lives of so many Aussies. On the show, Dr Nikki […]

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