Call for Code

Four Australian teams lead the 2021 Call for Code to help combat climate change

By Alison Haire, Lead Developer Advocate, Hybrid Cloud Build Team Solving global challenges like climate change may seem never-ending, but we can draw inspiration and hope from communities that are making a difference. The open-source movement is one such community, involving hundreds of thousands of individuals and organisations around the world. Together, they have created […]

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EthiXtension wins Call For Code 2021 ANZ Hackathon!!

Author: Ally Haire, Developer Advocate, Hybrid Cloud Build Team, IBM The Cause “What humans do over the next 50 years will determine the fate of all life on the planet” – David Attenborough This powerful call-to-action to build a more positive and sustainable future is the driving force behind Call For Code. Founded by David Clark in 2018, Call […]

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Aussie teams make the finals of Call for Code 2020

Author: Rahul Soans, Developer Marketing Manager, IBM Australia When the finalists of the 2020 Call for Code were announced, I was thrilled to see two Aussie teams make the cut. A journey that kicked-off in February is now reaching its zenith. IBM’s tech for good initiative Call for Code (in partnership with David Clarke Cause […]

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Business Buddy wins our final Call for Code hackathon

Authors:  Alison Haire, IBM Developer Advocate and DeveloperSteve Coochin, IBM Developer Advocate Our final Call for Code Hackathon took place over the weekend of the 20th and 21st of June. Enthusiastic and powered up; teams across A/NZ came together to take on the challenge of building apps to fight climate change and COVID-19. Hackathons are […]

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Not your average hackathon

Author: Rahul Soans, Developer Marketing Manager, IBM Australia The Call for Code challenge is now in its third year. Initiated by David Clarke Cause in 2018 with IBM as a founding partner, the competition challenges innovators and problem solvers to tackle the biggest problems facing humanity. The 2020 Call For Code challenge is being expanded […]

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Eagle swoops in to win the A/NZ May Call for Code Hackathon

Author: DeveloperSteve Coochin, Developer Advocate, IBM Developer Our second Call for Code in A/NZ is a wrap. It was a weekend that was a culmination of ideas, fun and tech. For this event, we took a new virtual venue experience for a spin, with teams being able to sit around tables and virtually collaborate like […]

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Team eMotion wins A/NZ Call for Code April Hackathon

Author: DeveloperSteve Coochin, Developer Advocate, IBM Developer The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every one of us around the world in so many ways. As a developer one of the things I love is using my developer superpowers for good, and in particular, helping people build out solutions that can change the world. Call for Code, […]

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A/NZ takes up the Call for Code 2020 Challenge

Author: DeveloperSteve Coochin, Developer Advocate, IBM Developer Call for Code is now in its third year and in 2020 we are asking the world’s developers and creative thinkers to build solutions for COVID-19 and climate change. We have all seen the effects of climate change and how it’s affecting life on the planet. In A/NZ the […]

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Prometeo wins Call for Code 2019 Global Challenge

Prometeo, the winner of the Global 2019 Call for Code Challenge, has come up with a solution to help firefighters who risk … Author: Liz Klipp, Senior Digital Content Producer, IBM Cognitive Applications In his 33-year career as a firefighter, Joan Herrera has battled thousands of wildland fires and suffered the headaches and breathing problems […]

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